Tuesday, December 1, 2015


DESPERATE PEOPLE PRAY DESPERATE PRAYERS, AND GOD RESPONDS! It's Time to Cry Out. YOU SEE, TROUBLE NOT ONLY PLACES A DEMAND ON YOUR FAITH, BUT REVEALS THE DEPTH OF IT! Truth is, you don’t really know much about your faith when your bills are paid, your body is healthy, your children are acting right, and your marriage is intact! BUT WHEN ALL IN YOUR LIFE IS BREAKING LOOSE AND YOU TRUST GOD TO BRING YOU THROUGH IT, YOU KNOW YOU’VE GOT GENUINE FAITH!

The enemy is attacking your mind, your rest, your peace, your emotions and your thought life! So what can you do?  Lift up the shield of faith and stop his flaming arrows: Take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” and use it to drive him back! (Ephesians 6:17 NKJV). Put Your Faith To Work because It's time to cry out.

Listen to another example, the Syrian army had surrounded the city of Samaria and its population was dying of starvation. Having lived off scraps of bread that folks threw over the wall each day, four lepers quickly assessed that they were in trouble. They said, “WHY SIT HERE UNTIL WE DIE?” (2 Kings 7:3 TLB). So they went into the city, only to discover God had worked a miracle, causing the Syrians to flee in terror, leaving behind them food, water, and riches!  What do we learn from these four lepers? REFUSE TO SIT THERE AND DIE! WHEN YOU PUT YOUR FAITH INTO ACTION, GOD WILL GO TO WORK ON YOUR BEHALF! BUT YOU HAVE TO RISE UP AND SAY:  I Will Live and Not Die, I Will Survive, I Will Rise Above My problem and this situation.

You see, I’ve learned from personal experience, when you get DESPERATE enough you won’t care who God uses to fuel your faith, you’ll be willing to receive any help He sends your way! Just ask Naaman!  Naaman the leper, a five-star general in the Syrian army, humbled himself and eventually became willing to listen to a girl who washed dishes and made beds in his house!

(Listen: When somebody has an answer from God to deliver to you, you won’t care who the messenger is, what they look like, what they do or what they've got on, just as long as they deliver your message of healing!)  Naaman was even willing to finally dip seven times in the dirtiest river around, in order to come up clean (2 Kings 5:1-19). Genuine faith says: “I don’t care where I have to go, what I have to do, or who I have to listen to, whatever God says, I’ll do it!” Why live with a disease when you can simply believe God, trust what He says, and put your faith to work?! 

I mean why die when you can live?! How odd. To some of us it might even seem ridiculous. But oftentimes before God does the miraculous, sometimes He’ll ask you to do the ridiculous! Indeed, when He tells you to do something it may not seem like it’s even related to what you’re praying about at all. When that happens, you have a decision to make: doubt Him, or obey Him! My Suggestion: Instead of discussing the issues endlessly, just do what He’s told you to do! Real faith in action needs no explanation in order to act! Sometimes God will give you “a Word” and it looks like it’s not even working – but it is – yes, even when it doesn’t look like it!  The faith that God responds to does not require understanding of the orders given, just obedience in carrying them out! And when you do, you’ll be amazed at what He does in the meantime!

The more you walk by faith, God is restoring, resurrecting, returning, reviving, regenerating, reestablishing, and in the end you’ll do the rejoicing when all of the broken pieces are finally brought back together again! 

And all it takes is faith! 

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