Thursday, December 3, 2015

It’s Time for a Change of Heart. You Control the Remote to Your Heart.

Your heart matters! And the channels you decide to set it on matter! Remember, your very life starts and stops via your heart! So wouldn’t you want to set it on good channels so your life can continue to flow? I’m aware that there are some people who do not watch television but there is still a large percentage that does.
Truth is, a lot of channels flash across the TV of your heart each day. And many of them you can’t afford to stop and watch – like any image, input or opportunity that encourages or feeds a person sexual lust; as if their lust needed any more strengthening! You may not be able to help the fact that a sexual input flashes on the screen. But you can decide whether or not it stays on your screen. This is why it’s so important to know your triggers THE REMOTE IS IN YOUR HAND, AND YOU HAVE CONTROL OF WHAT YOU WATCH AND WHAT YOU CHANGE!
Be honest, you can’t afford to dwell on anything that feeds your anger, when anger is a stronghold for you. With that in mind, you may want to avoid shows that talk about violence. For some, you can’t afford to dwell on anything that feeds your depression. Think about it, why would you watch sad dramas about someone giving up on life and ending theirs? You can’t handle that, so you don’t watch that! For others, you can’t afford to dwell on silly sitcoms that laugh at marital spats over small stuff because you struggle with complaining and nagging. Therefore, you don’t want to use a character in a sitcom to attempt to justify last night’s argument with your husband or wife. Furthermore, for others something that feeds on worry is not a show you want to focus on. Think about it: Why would you watch fear factor, or shows about a person drowning or crashing in a plane, right before you’re about to go on a cruise or fly out of state? And we certainly don’t need to mention shows about materialism, when you’re spending problem is about to be a bankruptcy, foreclosure, lose your family problem! Think about it, maybe that’s why you’ve continued to struggle and why you continue to lose so much in that part of your life because you keep feeding it.
You keep stopping to watch and listen to a channel that’s feeding the dark side of you. Remember this: You only feed what you want to nourish so it grows. This is why we feed our faith and starve our fears! Remember the Word of God: “For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh [craving for sensual gratification] and the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the mind] and the pride of life [assurance in one’s own resources or in the stability of earthly things] – these do not come from the Father but are from the world [itself]” (1 John 2:16 AMP). You have to be careful of what your eyes behold! Your flesh loves to be entertained, don’t let it make a clown out of you! Change the Channel of Your Heart if you’re Watching What Could Wreck Your Life!
In other words, there’s no such thing as an "Irresistible Temptation" in the life of a child of God! How do I know that to be true? Because the Bible clearly said, “…But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out…” Those are the words, “…a way out, so that you can stand up under it.” There is nothing you are tempted to go in, that God hasn’t already provided a way out of! Just like channel surfing, you can’t use the excuse, especially in this day and time, that “there’s nothing to watch”. There’s much to watch, and in my opinion Too Much! However, the remote to your heart is always in your hand and as such, in your power and control to change. No blaming, no excuses, no loopholes, no pointing fingers. Your heart is your responsibility! And there is no temptation that you have to watch!
So the temptation channel comes on. You didn’t choose that, but God says, “There’s a way out.” Know where your exits are, like they say on the airplane. Know how to choose something else, know how to immediately switch the channel. And using wisdom is when you pre-choose your exit before the temptation ever arrives. In other words, “I know what I’m going to do if something pops up, because I’ve already prepared myself for it, just in case.”
Another note to keep handy: When you change the channel, change it quickly! That’s how commercials get you hooked! They know that people channel surf, so they have to quickly entice you with their first few opening words, and those opening words are usually something visually seductive! Think about it: What is the purpose of making a Liquid Plumr commercial sexy? It’s for the toilet, the sink or a clog, and yet they’ve managed to make it look like a sexy 2-minute drama! If you want to buy a car, do you really think you’re going to get the sexy, half-naked blonde on the hood to be thrown in as an added bonus? They’re all traps, and it’s up to you to escape the trap! And how do you do that? According to the Word of God, you go to GOD! He alone provides you with a way of escape. WARNING:
When you sit too long, you don’t want to escape, even when an escape is provided! DANGER! Don’t set your heart on it. Find a channel where Jesus is and set your heart to focus on Him. Does that mean you have to watch Gospel all day and night? NO! I love Law and Order; CSI; NCIS etc... But there are times when those shows have episodes I choose not to watch, I immediately change the channel.  In other words, only watch what you can handle! There are some really good shows on, you just have to set your standards and don’t let the stations change them!  Don't watch anything that would pull you back to a time that could stir up painful emotions and memories.
Remember: You Control the Remote to Your Heart, So When You Need to, CHANGE THE CHANNEL…Quickly!

J.P. Olson

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