Friday, November 18, 2016

When Life Caves In, He Comes To Us Not With Answers But With His Presence.

When you are afraid trust in God. When you are not afraid, trust in God. When things go wrong remember Jesus is the bridge and the way back. God sees our heart and knows exactly  what we think and feel. Discouragement is not from God .  God already has the solution. Can it be that simple? Yes; because there is no second guessing in Jesus Christ.

When life caves in He comes to us not with answers but with His presence which is the answer.  What is God saying when He says "Be Still and Know That I Am God? The key phrase here is "Be Still. Be still and listen, be still and draw closer, be still and focus on Him. Psalm 46:10, be still and meditate on His word. There is no greater worship than giving God all of you. We can't watch TV for 3 hours then read the Bible for 3 minutes and expect to grow spiritually close to God.

God is God and the Bible instructs us to come humbly into His presence. (1 Peters 5-6). The word humbly actually means to be close to the base, not too far above the plain or foundation. God is a welcoming Father who encourages us to come boldly into His presence.

If you are struggling right now, remember this, God will provide.  His ways are often different than our own, but He always provide. If God could close the mouths of Lions for David, Part the Red Sea for Moses, make the sun stand still for Joshua, send ravens to feed Elijah, open the prison door for Paul & Silas, put a baby in the arms of Sarah, raise Lazarus from the dead, then he will certainly take care of you.  Nothing you are facing today is too hard for Him to handle.

When the enemy brings hardships into your life, God has a way of taking that experience and turning it for your advantage.  You may think that you've hit a dead end, but if you stay in faith, you will see God begin to open up a new route.  He'll put the right people in your path, the right opportunities, and the right circumstances to move you forward toward your God given destination.  Every situation that touches your life, God is there. His presence is there. 

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