Tuesday, November 1, 2016

We Do Not "Turn Off Our Light" No Matter How Dark A Person May Be That Approaches Us.That Goes For All Of Us. NO EXCEPTIONS

We do not "turn off our light" no matter how dark a person may be that approaches us. We have not been called to judge, point fingers, assign blame, pronounce guilt, to condemn or put down. We are simply to be light that directs dark to Light. That’s our responsibility. We are to represent God, not attempt to replace Him, by trying to “be Him”. Just do what He asked of you, and certainly I’ve found nowhere in Scripture where He’s asked of us to treat cruel with cruel or dark with dark. In fact, His Word admonishes us, “Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate and be humble. THAT GOES FOR ALL OF US, NO EXCEPTIONS. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless—THAT’S YOUR JOB, TO BLESS. You’ll be a blessing and also get a blessing.

Whoever wants to embrace life and see the day fill up with good, Here’s what you do: Say nothing evil or hurtful; Snub evil and cultivate good; run after peace for all you’re worth. God looks on all this with approval, listening and responding well TO WHAT HE’S ASKED; but He turns His back on those who do evil things.” (1 Peter 3:8-12 MSG). Did you read your job responsibility? “…BLESS – THAT’S YOUR JOB, TO BLESS…”Not to curse, but to bless! No matter who you’re dealing with, no matter their attitude or response, you are to bless. Whether you feel like it or not, you are to bless. Whether it is morning, noon or night, you are to bless. Whether it’s family, friend or foe, you are to bless. Whether it’s at home, church, work, business, gas station, or PTA meeting, you are to bless! It Is Your Job To Bless!

It’s a blessing, to be light! You know why? Because "light" people are those who remember a person's birthday, who checks on them when they're sick, who's at the hospital, the wedding and the funeral.  Who drops what I'm doing when they're hurting. Who offers to pray with - not just for - them when God is needed so much; “light” people give you their precious time and undivided attention.

And so you don’t take this as a personal attack, I asked MYSELF: do people around me see me as "safe"; the "go-to" person when it's dark, when it's cold and when it's lonely? Have I so lived that when they hit a wall, they'll think of me as a place to turn? Am I the light on the porch when people around me are feeling lost? Do people see Christ in me? Do they taste salt and see light? Am I compassionate, kind, enduring, patient, loving, understanding, and pleasant to be around? Is my attitude a good one (or does it depend on the day, person and circumstance)? Do I murmur? Do I complain? Am I negative? Am I pessimistic? Am I the person someone would call in times of trouble? When someone has fallen into sin and needs restoration, am I a person they would call on to help them reconcile with God? As James admonishes us, am I a person they can confide in, trust, and confess their sins to? In other words, this Word challenged me to re-exam my OWN life, lifestyle and walk with God, and His people. I’ve also realized that I can certainly become a better person. I can be the light someone needs in their dark tunnel. I can help them navigate their way. And sometimes that’s not with speech, just with the gift of presence.

I can be that for one reason. Truth is, Jesus Christ has been that for me. Whether it was worry over my children, hardship in finances, discouraged with church, sleepless nights with school, I’ve had “light” people that stepped into my path, and said, “Let’s walk out of this together.” And believe it or not, but there are people in your life that need your light. Oh, yeah, they have a smile on their face, and they know how to laugh on cue, and they’ve mastered, “I’m good, I’m fine, all is well, I’m blessed and highly favored.” But truth is, in private, many are struggling just to wake up, get up, get dressed and keep going. For many, it’s a struggle just to put both feet on the floor in the morning. For many, their nights are so bad; they no longer want to face another day. YOU, my friend, can be their little piece of personal sunshine and on a stormy day.

One thing that always warms my heart is passing by a person and they smile, which makes me smile. We never speak; we never exchange words at all. And yet, I feel instantly better. Likewise, you don’t have to be everything for everybody. Sometimes a little smile, a brief hug, a quick pat on the back, is all that’s needed to turn someone’s day around. In fact, you’ll be absolutely amazed at the rekindling of fire you can be to someone’s desire to live with just a few words, “I believe in you, you can do this, you can be better, I'm here for you, I see greatness in you, dream again, you have potential, try again, don’t give up, keep pressing, you’ll make it.” Everyone needs encouragement, even those that don’t admit it or ask for it. Everyone at one time or another experiences dark days and needs someone to shed a little light. Why not allow yourself to be that light for someone else? Be honest, someone has been that for you...

Someone in your life needs to feel loved, important, significant, cherished. Because someone in your life feels neglected, wounded, unforgiving, ashamed, guilty, and desperate. And all they need to make a difference in their darkness is just a little light. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). The Message Bible says it like this, “Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.” (MSG). If you could just help them direct their darkness to Him, He’ll provide them plenty of light to live in. However, that can’t happen, if you don’t help them get to The Light.

If someone in my personal world is wandering in the dark today, I just pray they've seen the light in me so I can help them find the Light in Him.  Today, that’s my prayer for US! That we’ll be just a little light that leads someone in darkness to the Big Light!

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