Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Whatever You Need Today God Is Enough.When We Find That We Are Broken, Stressed Out, Hurt Or In Pain Is The Time To Call On The Lord.

Whatever You Need Today God Is Enough. In our every moment of joy or hardship, He is there.  When We Find That We Are Broken, Stressed Out, Hurt Or In Pain Is The Time To Cast Our Cares Upon The Lord.  When we lean on Him, we can endure anything and trust that the difficulties will pave a way for renewed success. When crisis strikes in our lives, He covers us and shelters us, providing us comfort to withstand it all by His grace. God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say Thank You?  

Don't let anyone destroy you after Jesus restored you.  Pray on it, Pray over it but most of all Pray through it.  If you're not rooted in the Word, your foundation is not stable. We must make time for God and give Him first place in our lives.  If you don't have time for God, nothing is going to work out right in your life. You Can Enjoy Anything - If You Can Enjoy God!   God is not hard to get along with!  If we can make a commitment to spend our first 30 minutes with God each day, it would change our entire life. We don't work God into our schedule. We are to work our whole life around Him. Don’t be overwhelmed by today’s obstacles. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead resides in you.

God wants to take all the happiness, joy and peace of heaven along with all the disasters, messes, pain, and heartache that we have endured and forge them together, blending them into a story of grace fulfilling His purpose in your life. Through every trial God will make sure you come out better than before. Until Jesus Christ is the obsession of your heart, you'll always be looking to mere men to meet needs that only God can fulfill.  I always prayed for God to lead me to where He wants me to go; now I pray for the courage to go where He leads me. We aren't called to defend our honor; we are called to defend God's. We aren't called to battle each other; we are called to battle the enemy.  We aren't called to be like other Christians, we are called to be like Christ. We aren't called to earn God's love; we are called to receive it.  Either the Bible will keep you away from sin or, Sin will keep you away from the Bible.

As we journey through life, we will get beaten up- we will get hurt and bruised along the way. Scarred memories mark our journey like markers on a highway.  We all wonder what tomorrow will bring; a better life; a better situation; a more prosperous job; or a happy marriage. It is in God that we can find the hope for our future not by falling prey to the devil's schemes and tricks. God want each of us to live a life full of joy, love and abundance; not Satan's way; but the only way which is through our heavenly Father.  You can have a Change for Tomorrow, If you Change Something Today. Get up get out and get something positive going in your life! If you just give God a fraction of your heart; He'll mend your brokenness and make you whole. Doesn't matter what time it is, God wants to hear from you. Jesus has promised that our requests get God's personal attention!  So let us pray to the God who hears & answers.

God needs your feet to go for Him. Trust God for the directions. You always have a place to run to, always. The place is GOD.  People are not perfect. So stop depending on them. Trust He who is perfect. Trust God!  God does not care about your past: He care’s where you are going!

NOTHING IS PERFECT EXCEPT GOD'S WORD!  Let's Take Time To Thank Him Today.

J.P. Olson

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