Monday, November 14, 2022

Learn From The Spider, They Have LARGE Lessons To Teach Us! Everything A Spider Needs To Survive and Succeed In Life, God Put WITHIN IT! What Is The Message Of The Spider? EVERYTHING YOU NEED, GOD HAS ALREADY PLACED WITHIN YOU! Listen:




Learn from the Spider, They Have LARGE Lessons to Teach Us, Even Though They Are Little Creatures!

1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.” (AMP)

I by no means have a green thumb, I never have and never will! I have managed to keep a few plants alive…briefly… However, I do have a friend named Lisa who was born with two green thumbs. She has one of the most beautiful fruits and vegetable gardens I think I have ever seen in my life. And more than once I have literally asked her to take me on a tour of her garden. And I must say this little city girl always learns a lot in that garden. One of the last times we toured her gardens she showed me a garden spider at work. It was not at work; it was really at dinner! It was just finishing “filet a la grasshopper”; which just so happened to be the latest insect to be caught in his web.

Now, while I was watching, another grasshopper flew into the bottom of that web a few inches below the spider. And since the web is sticky, he stayed there. Well, Mr. Spider left his dinner, slid down this silk thread like a fireman would slide down his pole, and in a maneuver that you would have missed if you looked away for even a second, this spider spewed out a bombardment of silken thread that totally encased and imprisoned that grasshopper – kind of mummified him. It was over in seconds. From the very moment that he touched the web that grasshopper never stood a chance! Amazing how much trouble just one touch can cause!

There is this very day a powerful, shrewd, spiritual destroyer who’s looking for a way to entrap you, to invade your soul, to take you where you never thought you’d go; to devour you as dinner. And in a very real sense, the Devil’s trying to get you just to touch his sticky web. Like that grasshopper, you do not intend to stay. You do not intend to become a prisoner. You certainly do not intend to lose everything. In fact, Satan never tells you he is going to do all that. He just says, “Just touch this beautiful web one time.” And when you touch the Devil’s web, you are his. And what does he have planned for you? Let us look at 1 Peter 5:8 in a few translations, shall we?

“…sneaking around to find someone to ATTACK.” (CEV).

“…looking for someone to ATTACK AND EAT.” (ERV).

“…looking for some VICTIM TO TEAR APART.” (TLB).

“…looking for someone to SWALLOW UP.” (NIRV).

And that is exactly what the Spider, Lion, and Devil all do alike! They quickly look for a victim who has made a mistake or shown a sign of weakness and then they swiftly take full advantage of it and devour or eat them greedily, consume them destructively and swallow them whole! And you my friend are the next target on the enemies’ radar! So, what is one of the first things you need to do? 1 Peter 5:8, “Keep awake! Always watch. The devil is working against you. He is walking around like a hungry lion with his mouth open. He is looking for someone to eat.” (NLV). The key is “…WATCH AT ALL TIMES…” Because truth is, it is always when we let our guard down that our enemy gains entry and victory! Which is why we need to follow the admonishment of Ephesians 4:27, “And do not give the devil an opportunity [to lead you into sin…” (AMP). And the devil is always looking to gain an opportunity, which is why we ALWAYS must be WATCHFUL!

Let’s be honest, truth is, you might be flying perilously close to that web right now by the relationships, or the relationship you’re getting into, by listening to what you’re listening to, or watching things that glamorize or trivialize, or “humorize” sin. By the thoughts, you are dwelling on. By the websites you go to, maybe you are falling for some of Satan’s most successful web lies, “Hey, just this once.” “Don’t you deserve this?” “Remember what they did to you first?” “You know, so many others are doing it, right.” “You won’t get caught.” “You can stop anytime you want to.” “Would God allow it so close to you if He didn’t want you to be near it?” “It won’t hurt.” “No one will know.”

Amazing how much trouble one little conversation with the devil can get you into! They went from everything to nothing, by messing with the serpent! Do not let the same thing happen to you! Do not fall for those lies. They have destroyed too many people already!

Remember, once you touch the web, he can do what he wants with you, after all, you are in his territory and on his property. He has the legal right to take full advantage of the “foothold and opportunity” you have just granted him. That is the danger of allowing the wrong people access into your life! Remember Ephesians, “…don’t even give the devil the opportunity…” which means in our simple day-to-day vocabulary:

You see, the devil is just waiting for an opportunity to devour your life, family, marriage, reputation, character, integrity, ministry, job, and church. The problem is, we don’t pay close enough attention to when ‘favorable opportunity moments’ arise. Moments like those appear when you and your spouse have had a falling out, and the next picture that you see while scrolling through your timeline is an ‘old friend’ who’s ‘just a friend.’ They see you online and send you a quick, ‘it’s been awhile, how you are doing?’ And some are slicker than that, ‘how is your wife, family, church?’

I warn you; the Devil is waiting for an opportunity because he needs a favorable time to attack. He waits for those moments when you make the worst decisions, moments like when you are stressed, aggravated, annoyed, depressed, angry, lonely, feelings of low self-esteem, and self-worth. Feeling used and abused and abandoned, taken for granted, under-valued, over-estimated, and discarded. See, the devil will always look for favorable times to attack you because you are not expecting it! You do not realize that he is an opportunist just waiting to take advantage of your ‘ guards down’ moment so he can immediately exploit your weakness! 

Interesting enough, while I was in my friend’s garden, I saw another spider and a grasshopper that landed just below his web. The spider did not even move. He could not touch that grasshopper if the grasshopper did not touch the web. People of God, you render Satan powerless against you in the same way. That is why God said, “Be self-controlled.” “Be alert.” “Resist him.” Or in the words of James 4:7, “So submit to [the authority of] God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you.” (AMP). In a nutshell, Submit to God and Resist the Devil! The word “resist” is defined as “to withstand the action or effect of; to refrain from.”

If you do not play around with the sticky threads of sin and temptation, the one who wants to devour you cannot even touch you, because you have done what the Bible says! You have resisted the one who would ruin you!

Listen, you have been flying close to the Devil’s web lately, too close might I add? Because the first grasshopper that went into the web became dinner; the second one that got too close was wrapped up like you would leftovers for the next night; but the last one that didn’t touch the web, couldn’t be trapped by the web, nor devoured by the spider! This is not a devotional telling you to get close but do not get caught. The spider could not touch the last grasshopper because he was not close enough to catch. Likewise, if you do not want the lion to devour you or Satan to steal, kill and destroy you, STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM THE WEB, THE SPIDER, THE LION AND SATAN AS POSSIBLE! Reevaluate your habits; be honest and address your addictions; readjust your attitude; ask God for clear and concise thoughts and speech; protect your character and integrity; remember that every choice comes with a consequence and others can suffer by association due to your unwise decisions. Ask God daily to remind you that in the midst of every temptation He’s already provided you a way of escape and all you need is the discernment to see it and the wisdom to take it. Pay attention to your attractions and triggers. Know your weaknesses and plead the blood over them.

The Spider skillfully grasps with its hands, and it is in kings’ palaces” (Proverbs 30:28 NKJV)

Everything a Spider needs to survive and succeed in life, God put WITHIN IT! Swipe it with a broom and before it hits the ground, its fall is broken! It just reaches inside, releases another protein-filled silk-like thread, slides down, finds a safe place, then comes back stronger than ever and builds a new web! What is the Message of the Spider? EVERYTHING YOU NEED, GOD HAS ALREADY PLACED WITHIN YOU! Ephesians 1:3, “Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Through Christ, God has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing that heaven has to offer.” (GWT) You are not waiting to be blessed, hoping to be blessed, praying to be blessed, you my friend already have, “EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING THAT HEAVEN HAS TO OFFER.” You Already Have EVERYTHING YOU NEED!

The Bible further says, “His divine power has given us EVERYTHING WE NEED for life and godliness…he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature…” (2 Peter 1:3-4 NIV). What has God given us? “…EVERYTHING WE NEED…” What has God made us participants in? “…HIS DIVINE NATURE…” How Awesome Is That?!! We lack absolutely NOTHING, for our God has already supplied us with, “…EVERYTHING WE NEED FOR LIFE…” Which means, you don’t have to look a certain way, act a certain way, find the right people, style yourself a particular way, beg or plead with people for favors, opportunities, and chances, no, you already have everything you need! How? Because you were created in His image and likeness, His divine nature! (2 Peter 1:3-4 NIV). The tense is Past tense! “…HE HAS GIVEN US…” We are not waiting on the promises of God, as His children, we already have them! Walk like you know that everything you need God has already put it within you and that includes blessings and promises!


Now, when it is time to lay eggs, the Spider produces a particular type of silk thread and spins it into a protective sac, then deposits them. When an enemy comes to steal the spider’s offspring, it gets trapped on the sticky fluids that line the silk. Then the spider wraps the enemy in another kind of thread and turns it into food!

What is the Message of the Spider? THE BATTLE IS OVER YOUR FUTURE!

Do not let the enemy have your children! Do not let him rob you of your potential! Do not let him steal your destiny! When those with weak wills, weak knees, and weak faith saw the giants in the Promised Land they wanted to go back to Egypt! BUT NOT CALEB! He said, “Neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are BREAD FOR US!” (Numbers 14:9).

When the spider lays its eggs, predators immediately come on the scene to steal his eggs and devour them, so nothing comes of them. Sounds a lot like Satan, doesn’t it? John 10:10, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy…” (AMP); 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be always alert and cautious. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.” (AMP). And who is the thief, lion, and the devil looking to devour? US! But more than that, he is after our seed! Even when we forget who we are, the devil never forgets! He is not just after us, he is after our seed, the generations to come, because he knows if we continue to teach them how to war in the spirit, he does not stand a chance! If we continue to teach generation after generation that Satan belongs under their feet and that they have the authority and power to crush his head, there will be generations of warriors and victors, and his kingdom will be demolished! Therefore, church, let us protect our children! Satan is coming to devour them, but we will stand as the strong soldiers God called, commanded, and commissioned us to be, and we will make Satan and his imps, “…bread for us!”


Let us dig a little deeper, shall we? The spider has EIGHT EYES, YET IT CAN BARELY SEE! What makes it an avid hunter is that the hair follicles on its legs are full of sensitivity and it can Discern Everything That is Going on Around It!

What is the Message of the Spider? USE YOUR GOD-GIVEN SENSE OF DISCERNMENT!

You can discern more with your Spirit than You Can See with Your Eyes! “Ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things” (1 John 2:20). God will let you know things you can neither prove nor explain! Jesus said that He would show us “things to come” (John 16:13).

The way to walk in Discernment is to Stay in the Word of God, Use the Wisdom of God, and Stay Close to God Himself and His Voice! The more you become engrafted in His word, wisdom, presence, and voice, the more familiar it will become to you so that whenever something or someone is off, you can pick it up before you make a fleshly error in judgment! Listen: You Can Afford for Your Eyes to Fail You, But Not Your Discernment! 2 Corinthians 5:7, “for we walk by faith, NOT BY SIGHT…” (AMP); 2 Kings 4:9, “And she said to her husband, behold now, I PERCEIVE that this is a holy man of God who passes by continually.” (AMPC) Can you imagine how many ‘unequally yoked’ relationships would have never happened had we functioned in this discernment? Do not just ask God for Vision, ask Him for Discernment!


We have come this far; we may as well keep going! How is it possible that a Spider can walk across the sticky threads of its own web and not get stuck, yet those same threads will trap every predator that enters? The secret is – OIL!



Looking back, you realize that is what kept you sane when you thought you were going to lose your natural mind! It is why you made it when others did not! And it is why you need to stay filled with God’s Spirit Every Day! The Psalmist said it best: “I shall be Anointed with Fresh Oil!” (Psalm 92:10).

BEFORE YOU LEAVE HOME, EVERY MORNING GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY, “LORD, ANOINT ME WITH FRESH OIL”! I need it to minister effectively; I need it so I can pass it down throughout the generations; I need it so my flesh doesn’t interfere with my spiritual assignment; I need it so that I don’t attempt to use my gifts, talents, and skills to substitute for it! I need it so I do not get stuck in what stagnated others!


Got another point for you! Some Spiders have so much Venom in them that they can KILL ANYTHING they encounter, SIMPLY BY RELEASING WHAT’S IN THEIR MOUTH!

What is the Message of the Spider? GUARD WHAT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!

Paul writes, “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). What are taking in? What are you giving out? Faith or fear, hope or discouragement, joy or sadness, truth or error, love or bitterness, compassion, or judgment? The Bible says, “Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue: and they that love it shall Eat the Fruit thereof” (Proverbs 18:21)

Notice Two Things in This Scripture:

  1. Your Mouth is a Life and Death Issue.
  2. Your Words Are Like Seeds; They Always Produce Fruit (Good or Bad)!

You cannot believe God for His Best, then go around expecting and expressing the Worst! When what you say consistently, contradicts what God’s Word says, you are Sabotaging Yourself! The Words You Speak Have Power – and Consequences! So, begin to correct yourself! Instead of saying, “I can’t change,” or “I’ll never get out of this mess,” start saying what God’s Word says. Do what Jesus did in the wilderness: Open Your Mouth and Declare, “IT IS WRITTEN” Jesus in essence lets Satan know: “IT IS WRITTEN THAT I DON’T HAVE TO BOW TO YOU. IT IS WRITTEN THAT I DON’T HAVE TO COME TO YOU FOR WHAT I NEED.” And what was the result? “THE DEVIL LEFT HIM AND ANGELS CAME AND ATTENDED HIM” (Matthew 4:11 NIV). So, when you are under attack, open your mouth, declare God’s Word, and the forces of heaven will come to your aid! In addition, do not retaliate, do not spread vicious rumors, lies, gossip, and slander as a means for revenge. Do not curse, do not demean, do not belittle, do not be condescending. Use your words to speak life even when you are under a deadly attack!


2 additional tidbit bonus lessons from the Spider:

  1. YOUR SIZE DOESN’T DETERMINE YOUR POTENTIAL! Please hear me, you do not have to have a title, position, or degree to be favored by God and accomplish great things! You do not have to be the people pick their favorite, their preferred. You do not have to sit in the pulpit, you do not have to have 10 initials and 20 degrees! You do not have to be in the right circles! You just need to use whatever God placed within you! No need to be impressive, seek to be impactful by using what is in you, no matter the size, or how insignificant others may think it to be!
  2. NO MATTER WHERE YOU START, YOU CAN ALWAYS END UP IN THE KING’S PALACE! It does not matter what your finances look like, your education, or where you have been. God does not look at the chronology of your life for a good reason to bless you or use you. You can have an ugly start in life and end it beautifully! Where you have been has absolutely nothing to do with where God is taking you! Trust that!

Believe it or not, but there is still another lesson to learn. And what is the last Message the Spider is teaching today?


A Spider is always Producing Something! Whether it is Oil or Silk Threads or Eggs, the Spider is Always Producing Something! Now, you might not produce as much as somebody else, but you have got to keep producing something! You might not be able to produce what you used to but keep producing something! Jesus taught that some of us produce thirtyfold, others sixtyfold, and some a hundredfold (Matthew 13:8) In other words, we don’t all produce at the same level, but we must all produce at some level! Now, do not get intimidated because the other guy is producing a hundredfold and you are only producing sixtyfold. You are only accountable for what God gave you to Produce!


J.P. Olson

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