Thursday, February 9, 2017

When Is The Last Time You Wept In The Presence Of The Lord? Tears Are A Language, God Understands.

When Is The Last Time You Wept In The Presence Of The Lord? Seek Protection From The One Who Cannot Be Moved.  Invite the Comforter to comfort you in your time of need! God is more patient with us than we are with ourselves. Heavenly Father, in these quiet moments of my day I love feeling Your love, talking to You and hearing Your answers. I know that whatever you ask God, God will give you. -John 11:22.  As long as you can see just one beautiful thing, there's a reason to live, life is beauty. May Jesus always be the standard for truth in our life. Pursue more than just pleasure in life, the flesh will always want something and lead you down the wrong path.  No matter how hard we try we cannot save ourselves but Jesus can!

Jesus wept over us; He wept over those that were lost, and even all His friends.  It’s a part of who we are too; crying out for others. It was so very special, to kneel at His feet, as the woman did, and tell Him all about our shortcomings; confessing our human weaknesses, and then feeling the deep cleansing of His forgiveness.  But, there is another part to this; just weeping in His presence; feeling the deep awesome presence of God.  You see, the Holy Ghost, cannot settle on a child of God, without it having a visual affect; we have to respond in some way.

“Tears are a language, God understands.” I weep because of all He has done for me.  It is my heart and soul, communicating with His.

When you embrace Jesus love you feel differently about yourself because you become someone new.

Your faith can unlock powers you didn't even know you had! An important part of becoming a mature Christian is learning to worry less and trust more.  No one ever said it would be easy but God will equip you for the task. If your faith in God is strong and trusting then the first step to victory can be wonderful. If you're a believer, you have plenty of reasons to be joyful! Sometimes we have to be in the fiery furnace in order to reach just one person when we witness how good God is!

Jesus's Walk Was Hard But He Kept On... You Can Keep On Too!

God isnt the source of all our problems; He is the source of all our answers! Through Christ and repentance I am forgiven! God answering our prayers when we are not living right would be like condoning our disobedience. The Lord should always be on our minds. Christ transforms human suffering - into something of value and service to God. When things are falling down around you... call Jesus... He will answer.

Thank You Lord, for loving me the way only You can do. Hold your head high knowing our Father has the best of everything for us! Have faith and hold on!! There is no safer place than to be in the center of God’s will and walking in His light. God sees us where we are as well as where we are going, trust Him to lead the way!

Father let me demonstrate my love for You by obeying Your commandments.

All experiences can become blessings if you let it.  Lord, open my mind today so I may hear You. Lord, I need You in my life. Light my path in the way You would like me to go and Ill go! Sometimes, we need to do more than just dance, sing and shout, sometimes we need to turn the music and monitors off and just weep in Your presence. Cry out in the presence of the most Holy and High God.

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