Monday, September 22, 2014

Let Us Get Into The Garden Of Our Lives&Start Doing Some Significant Weeding

The spiritual nature that has been given to us because of the sacrifice of Jesus produces in us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.  We have to ask ourselves; Is that what my life look like, is my life full of these things?  These are the characteristics we want, the fruit of the spirit in our lives. If we don not have these things in our lives, if we get retrospective and get serious we can trace down the origin of all kinds of things that are stealing that, we can trace down the origin of all kinds of posture of heart and all kinds of action of mind, body and will that destroy the fruits of the spirit in our lives. We plant things that are going to yield crops opposite to the fruits of the spirit and we are going to harvest whatever we plant.  That's just how it works, what you plant is what you reap, that's how it works across the board, plant corn, raise corn, plant potatoes get potatoes, you don't plant carrots and get cabbage, ever, like that has never happened, we don't have any historical records throughout history where the farmer who plants carrots and somehow got cabbage; so what you plant you're going to harvest.  What you are harvesting now in your life, we are always planting, everyday we are planting.  So if what we really want and what we are made for is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control, we have to plant those things, we have to do these things in the face of whatever else we have planted and are harvesting.  It forces us to take a look at our lives, the direction that we are headed in and also the circumstances that surround our lives right now, the things that box us in and very quickly we realize that I don't need all of this in my life.  I literally do not need all of this obligation and activities, all of this responsibility and all of these circumstances that I have overtime built up around my self. So may we carve out some time in our over busy over obligated life to take some stock prayerfully and intimately with God to inquire about where it is that you would like to end up.  Invite the Holy Spirit to speak to the things that are inhibited and deeply exercise the ways that we've following a corrupt nature, a corrupt path that won't lead anywhere. Let us get into the garden of our lives and start doing some significant weeding and ending some seasons so that new seasons can begin.  Stop being afraid, we are free, free, free, freedom is ours and we have a heavenly Father, the God of all, the sovereign God of all who is present to walk with us in the way that we should go.  It's time to make some changes, may we invite God to lead us into all truth and freedom.  Help us God, we need you so desperately now.

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