Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Problem Today Is That Most People Are Not Asking For Directions

The problem today is most are not asking for directions. The way to God is the freeway, not a tollway; you don't have to pay to follow God. Whichever way God turns your feet,  you should go. You cannot fully enjoy your life, if you don't trust God.  If you will trust Him, God will design your life for you! When you trust God to fulfill the promises He's given you, all the forces of darkness cannot stop God from bringing your dreams to pass. When we face adversity, let us seek Your will and trust Your Word. It's time to take the limits off God and stop talking ourselves out of our blessings. Go where He leads you.  Learn how to agree with God.  He will never leave or forsake you. God's promises are forever. When everybody and everything else is gone, God will still be here. He has a way for us to live. And it leads to good things!  God can take a bad experience in your life and make you better for having gone through it.  Some things you can only learn in the struggle. Trust God. He knows what he is doing! When we pray, we must believe that God, who is all-powerful, hears and acts on our behalf. Let's take time to thank God now for riches He is about to give us. When God tells you to give something away to someone, give it!  And give it with no strings attached. Our God is a God of more! Not just a God of enough. The highest calling in our life is to learn how to enjoy God. If you don't know where God is in your life, find Him!  It's a crazy world out there!  Christ did not die that our sins might be covered. He died that our sins might be removed! 

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