Monday, December 23, 2024

Believe It or Not, But Not Everyone Is Smiling, Waiting for Christmas Morning to Arrive. No, There Are Some Who Lost Loved Ones. Some Are Having Their First Christmas After the Divorce; The Loss Of Parents. The Christmas Guest That Never Left.

Greetings & Wishing You the Spirit of Christmas which is Peace: The Blessing of Christmas which is Hope. From the Heart of Christmas which is Christ. Matthew 1:23, “Listen! The virgin shall conceive a child! She shall give birth to a Son, and He shall be called “Emmanuel” (meaning “God Is With Us.”) TLB

One Of The Clearest Statements In All The Bible Is 1 Timothy 1:15,” “Christ Jesus Came Into The World To Save Sinners.”

SoChristmas Is About Something God Initiated — something God did in history. It has to do with the way the created universe relates to the one Being who is absolute, no beginning, no ending, no development, no becoming — He simply is who He is. In fact, God says in Exodus 3:14 that His name is “I am who I am.” Christmas is about how this God relates to us and how we relate to Him. What Luke does in this passage of Scripture Luke 1:26-38 tell us 1) how this absolute God broke into His creation to save sinners, and 2) who it was that came from this in-breaking. How did Christmas happen and who came of it? What difference can this make for you?

How did the Creator of the universe break into His universe?

He Broke Into The Universe By Doing The Impossible. Luke 1:37, “For nothing will be impossible with God and the time has come for the most impossible thing to be done: God enters his creation as part of it, and without ceasing to be the uncreated God.

God Broke Into The Universe By Choosing To Enter Through A Virgin. This was God’s choice. An angel sent from God to a virgin. God’s way of breaking into the universe was that he would be conceived in the womb of a virgin. God chose to break into the universe by choosing to enter, through a virgin.

God Broke Into The Universe By Choosing For His Son A Legal Human Father
Who Would Be An Heir Of David, The King Of Israel. God broke into the universe not as a generic human being, but as a Jew, in fulfillment of 2000 years of covenant promises so that Israel would glorify God for his truthfulness and all the nations would glorify God for his mercy. He came as the Son of David and as the Son of God — a Jew to vindicate every promise, and a man to identify with every nation.

Even Jesus Was Not Above Simple Circumstances.
When you think of kings, you think of crowns and thrones and palaces...not stables full of smelly farm animals and a feeding trough as a
bed for a newborn baby. Yet Jesus, King of Kings though He is, came into the world in a remarkably simple, lowly, and unassuming way. His birth was the furthest thing from a King’s welcome. Few of us are acquainted with the ways of royalty, and it is hard to even fathom how elaborate and exquisite that lifestyle is. Many more of us, however, can describe in detail what a barn is like. I find this part of the Christmas story so beautiful-- Jesus did not come to earth as a mighty, majestic King who would be intimidating and untouchable. He instead came as an innocent, needy, dependent baby born to parents who were poor and as simply normal 
as it could be. Everything about the very beginnings of his life on earth was humble and unassuming, giving us a Savior, we can easily relate to and understand, not one who is distant or on a lofty throne. This is such a comforting truth-- we do not have to have prestigious job titles or well-stocked bank accounts or fame to be used by God, because not even His Son required those things.

Matthew 1:23 “Listen! The virgin shall conceive a child! She shall give birth to a Son, and He shall be called “Emmanuel” (meaning “God Is with Us.”) TLB

Christmas - when a God we thought was so very far away came down to where we are, to hold us close. John 6:38 says, “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but to do the will of Him who sent Me.” (AMP); John 3:13 says, “No one has gone up into heaven, but there is One who came down from heaven, the Son of Man [Himself – whose home is heaven].” (AMP) Can you imagine Jesus loving us so much to leave His home in heaven to come to earth to see about us?

In fact, the ancient prophecy of the coming Messiah predicted it. And Matthew 1:23 also declares it, "'A virgin shall be with child and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is translated, 'God with us'". Not just God projected on the screen of some church monitor or religious act either. But God right here! God up close and personal! God with us, God in us!

But for many of us, and far too often, however, He has seemed far away. Such as in those distressing moments when you receive the diagnosis; when there was an unexpected lay-off, family death, or loss of housing; those times when you did not see the divorce coming or your finances drastically leaving; Those times when you cry for anything, everything and nothing, and there is not a sole around to wipe your tears, give you a shoulder to lean on or an encouraging word or hug. Truth is, holiday or not, life can be extremely hard sometimes.

Believe It or Not, But Not Everyone Is Smiling, Happy, Filled with Joy, Buying Presents and Holding Their Breath Waiting for Christmas Morning to Arrive. No, There Are Some Who Lost Loved Ones During This Season with Covid-19and other illnesses, And So This Is Their First Year Without Them, and to say the experience is hard, is the understatement of the year! I share this with you because sometimes we are so immersed in the holidays that we assume everyone is just as joyful. But pain and loss have a way of sucking even the carols out of Christmas…Even if only for a little while...

There Are Times in Life When You Cannot Put on Your ‘I’m Alright’ Face. You cannot dance, clap, shout, spin, run and speak in tongue over this one. You cannot dress it up in fancy holiday attire, robes, or crosses. You do not have the eloquent prayers to reach heaven with, not for this one. And out of all the Scriptures you know, pain and loss have a way of making you forget even the simplest of Psalm 23. Sometimes you cannot ‘fake it till you make it.’ Sometimes you cannot attend parties, grin, and smile, and wear your red, and celebrate, even if only for a little while.

Some Are Having Their First Christmas After the Divorce; Others After Their Child Died; Or After Their Parents Have Died, Others After the Doctor Dropped the Cancer Bomb on Them. Then there are others who medicate themselves with alcohol, drugs, or sex. And then there are those who are on prescription meds and still it is hard. Others are suicidal, depressed, lonely, and hurting.

BUT before you think that is how this devotional end, let me correct you…

Listen: Matthew 1:23 reads, "'A virgin shall be with child and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is translated, 'God with us'" Despite what we may have to face here on earth, the one guarantee we have is “God with Us.” Even during trials, struggles, pain, hurt, disappointment and the like, God is still with us! Hebrews 13:5 says, “For He has said, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!” (AMP) I tell you, there is no greater comfort than God!

Yes, I know it is painful, and still it cannot deprive you of the promise God has made to you to ‘NEVER LEAVE YOU UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES’! Truthfully, we cannot count very many people who could make such a promise and keep it, but Jesus is a Promise Keeper! Even when it feels, seems, sounds, and looks as though He is so very far away, be encouraged, God is Still With YOU! In fact, what I love most about this Scripture is the detail He goes into: “I will never leave you, never desert you, you’ll never be without My support, I’ll never leave you helpless, and I’ll never relax my hold on you”. Does that sound like He is far away? Out of touch? Cannot reach us? Not at all!

And that is what made me smile today! The reminder that no matter how much we hurt, HE will always be with us! And furthermore, our hurt will not last always! Yes, we will cry, we will wonder, we will question, we will hurt…but we will get strong again and recover.

Listen: One of the greatest gifts besides salvation is in knowing that Jesus did not come just to leave! He loves us so much that He is going to return for us, and while He is in heaven, He has loved us once again so much that He could not leave us without comfort! John 14:26, “But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor – Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.” (AMP) We are never without comfort, support, love and strength, Jesus made sure of it!

So, even if you are not at your happiest or your strongest this holiday season, know that you are never alone, and God is not far away, but with you and in you! And please know that it is okay for you to be honest about your hurt and where you really are mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You have nothing to prove to anyone. And addressing your weakness does not take away His strength. Jesus wept, and so can you!

So, know for certain that it is okay not to be ‘over-flowing’ with the holiday spirit. But also know that you have no need to wallow in dread. Your Immanuel Has Not Left You nor Will He Ever! And He Loves You So Much That Even the Father Intervened to Send a Comforter in His Name to Represent Him. Your God is Never far away! And there are no painful glitches in life that can remove His presence from you. Read His Word, Pray, Praise, and Worship…and cry in your Prayer Closet releasing all your agony to Him. He understands, and He is not going anywhere! Hebrews 4:15 informs us, “For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and understand our weaknesses and temptations, but One who has been tempted [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect as we are, yet without [committing any] sin.” (AMP) We serve a Savior who knows exactly how it feels to be human! That is why we can tell Him our deepest hurts, weaknesses, and fears, He understands, He cares, He is present there with you and always will be!

Things to Notice When You Read Luke's Christmas Story This Year
This Christmas season, Luke 2 will probably be the most-read passage of Scripture. It tells of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, the angels’ announcement to the shepherds in the fields, the shepherds’ visit to the stable, and even Jesus’ childhood. This chapter of the New Testament tells the age-old Christmas story, but it is also extremely relevant to our lives today in practical ways.

Here are takeaways from Luke 2 that we can apply to our lives today:

God’s Glory Is Worthy of Our Praise Even when We Feel Afraid.

When the angel of the Lord stood before the shepherds who were keeping watch over their sheep during the night, verse 9 says “they were
terrified.” I would be too! Even though they were afraid and probably trying to make sense of what they were seeing and hearing, wondering if they were dreaming or if this really was happening, the angel’s first words were “Do not be afraid.”

When the Lord Makes a Promise, We Can Trust He Will Keep it
The shepherds heard from the angels that the baby had been born, and they did not doubt it. Verse 15 says, “when the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told
us about.’” They heard the message and immediately acted upon it, never hesitating or questioning what the angel of the Lord had said to
them. We should do the same in our lives. We have Scripture as tangible documentation of the Lord’s promises and truths, and we should act on them without questioning His faithfulness and trustworthiness.

Words from and about the Lord Are to Be Treasured
When the shepherds visited Mary and Joseph and the baby in the manger, verses 17 and 18 say, “they spread the word concerning what
had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.” I cannot even imagine what the
shepherds’ stories must have been after seeing the angels in all the glory of the Lord out in the fields, but I know it must have been powerful and beautiful. Verse 19 says, “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Verse 51 later says, “His mother treasured
all these things in her heart,” after Jesus was found in the temple learning from the teachers. The things Mary heard about her son and the
things she saw Him doing were beautiful treasures to her, and they should be for us as well. The stories we have in Scripture tell us about who Jesus is and what He did on this earth, and we should hold them dear in our hearts.

We Should Make Time to Learn from Those Older than Us
Jesus did this as a child in the temple, painting a beautiful picture for us. Jesus was the all-knowing and all-powerful Son of God, yet even he sat among the temple’s teachers to listen, ask questions, and learn. Verse 47 says, “Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.” Verse 52 later says, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” He knew as a boy that his elders had wisdom that he could grow from, and he sought it out. We should do the same, seeking the advice and knowledge of those who are more mature and knowledgeable in their faith. We can learn so much from mentors, teachers, and pastors when we listen to their words, ask them questions, and just spend time among them.

Look at Christmas in a new way this year. This is the year to invite Jesus into your heart. You will then have a "Merry Christmas." The joy and
peace you will receive will last all year as you look to God for all your needs to be met.

Why quibble about the timing of Jesus' birth or what traditions have pagan origins? The point is that He was born, and we celebrate the miracle! Let us all celebrate our Awesome Savior who gave us this amazing grace at this holiday time, redeeming the time as the days get shorter. People are more open at Christmas time to hear and receive the love of Jesus more than any other time, in my humble opinion. Let us love and be joyful wholeheartedly as unto the Lord even as we keep our eyes on the skies and whatever we need to leave in 2024, release it and leave it. We need more of Jesus, do not enter 2025 taking on assignments that God did not give to you. We really need refreshing, renewal, refining and reviving.


J.P. Olson

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