Tuesday, October 15, 2024

We Simply Must Learn How To Be Sensitive And Obedient To A Move Of God In Unfamiliar Places. Church Folks Get Too Comfortable With The Familiar. What If?

Believe it or not, but some of our greatest blessings will occur at “places” other than the ones we’re used to, accustomed to, or expectWe Simply Must Learn How To Be Sensitive And Obedient To A Move Of God In Unfamiliar Places. Church Folks Get Too Comfortable With The Familiar. The Familiar Is Your Comfort Zone. Your Blessing May Not Come Inside The Walls Of The Church. Do You Need A Miracle, Then Do Whatever He Tells You. Just Do It! 

“But his mother told the servants, “Do whatever He tells you to.” (John 2:5 TLB)

Do you need a miracle? Then reread the story of Jesus turning water into wine. And while you’re at it, keep in mind what Mary said to the servants at the wedding reception: “…Whatever He says to you, DO IT.” (AMP)

Which means: What If It Happens Outside Of Your Comfort Zone: The Familiar Places.

1.. DO IT EVEN THOUGH YOU’RE NOT IN THE ‘RIGHT PLACE’: They were at a wedding, not a church, when Jesus performed this miracle. “Three days later there was a wedding in the village of Cana in Galilee…” (John 2:1 MSG) Believe it or not, but some of our greatest blessings will occur at “places” other than the ones we’re used to, accustomed to, or expect. We simply must learn how to be sensitive and obedient to a move of God in unfamiliar places. We expect to come to church and hear testimonies of the goodness of God. But do you know God works miracles outside of the four walls of the church? As hard as it may be for you to grasp, but God is saving souls behind prison walls, He’s giving job opportunities to those with no degree, He’s healing in the hospice, He’s providing shelter for those who last night slept under the bridge, He’s feeding those who just spent their last food-stamp. God is not restrained, restricted, limited or held captive, hostage or in bondage by our menial expectations of Him or His ability. Do you know that you don’t have to be in church, at the altar, or listening to gospel to experience a move of God? Understand that your limited location can’t limit a limitless God! He can heal at the gas station, provide while you’re in the beauty salon, make a way while you’re stuck in traffic, pay a bill while you’re applying for unemployment. You’re God Is Able! And you don’t have to be in the right circles, or in the proper location for Him to do it! So, the next time you need a miracle from God, call on Him, no matter where you are! He can hear you from the basketball court; in the hospital; at the Medicaid/Medicare office; at the mechanic shop; waiting for the bus; standing in line at the supermarket; waiting for customer service at the bank; or even sitting on a swing in the park! He Hears You, He Sees You, And He Will Indeed Meet Your Every Need…No Matter the Address Your Need Shows Up At! Philippians 4:19, "And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) YOUR EVERY NEED according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." (AMPC) Think about it: If He can show up and help the three Hebrew boys in a fire; Jonah in the belly of a fish; a bleeding woman in a crowd; or a paralytic coming down through the roof, surely, He can show up anywhere you are, don’t you think? The Bible encourages us like this: “She answered God by name, praying to the God who spoke to her, “YOU’RE THE GOD WHO SEES ME! “YES! HE SAW ME; AND THEN I SAW HIM!” (Genesis 16:13 MSG); “God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand. I’m an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I’M NEVER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there, too – your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful – I can’t take it all in!” (Psalm 139:1-6 MSG). My friend, God can meet you ANYWHERE simply because He’s EVERYWHERE!  

2.. DO IT EVEN THOUGH YOU’VE GOT A LOT OF PROBLEMS: They’d run out of wine for their guests. Embarrassing! However, truth be told, far too often our problems drive us away from Jesus instead of to Him! Listen: If you really want to empty out a church house just let the church folks encounter a problem in life! Money dwindles down, we stop going to church; the doctor gives us a diagnosis, we stop going to church; the car breaks down (as if there is absolutely no other means of getting to church), you guessed it, we stop going to church; we break up in a relationship, we stop going to church; we lose a job, we stop going to church; we’re evicted, we stop going to church; our big toe hurts, and we stop going to church! BUT, if God is as powerful as He says, and we believe, then why would we want to go away from Him instead of to Him? For instance, if my car breaks down, I don’t want to leave the mechanic and go to the pharmacy! What help can I possibly get from there besides an aspirin to get rid of the headache my broke down car just gave me! Please hear me when I say this to you, your praise cannot go on pause because of your problems, nor can your worship water down because of your worries! Those are in fact the ideal times to seek God’s direction, wisdom and answers! Can you imagine if our children had a problem with a school assignment and instead of taking it to the teacher, they decided to bring it home to the dog?! Sounds comical, but when we face problems in life that’s exactly what we do, we take our problems to people who cannot solve or resolve them, instead of taking them straight to God, the ultimate problem solver! There’s nothing too hard for Him, nothing impossible for Him, and nothing His hands cannot handle! Jeremiah 32:27, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me?" (AMPC); Genesis 18:14, "Is anything too hard or too wonderful for the Lord? At the appointed time, when the season [for her delivery] comes around, I will return to you and Sarah shall have borne a son." (AMPC) Luke 18:27, "But He said, what is impossible with men is possible with God." (AMPC) So the next time you’re in need of a miracle, don’t take your problems to others, and surely do not keep them to yourself, take them to God! Miracles begin when we focus on God’s power, instead of our problems! The Bible declares: “If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, THEN TRUST THE LORD COMPLETELY; don’t ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” (Proverbs 3:4-6 TLB)

3.. DO IT EVEN THOUGH YOU’RE NOT BEING ENCOURAGED: When Mary turned to Jesus for help, He tested her faith saying, “Woman, why do you involve me?” My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:4 NIV). The Message Bible is a bit more colorful of course, “Jesus said, “Is that any of our business, Mother – yours or mine? This isn’t my time. Don’t push me.” (MSG); And even The Living Bible has an interesting way of putting this verse: “…Jesus’ mother came to Him with the problem. “I can’t help you now,” he said. “It isn’t yet My time for miracles.” (TLB). However, even in the face of what seemed like discouragement, Mary still passed the test! Instead of being disheartened in the face of what looked helpless and hopeless, Mary yet laid hold of the possibility of a miracle, believed God and received one! Because regardless of Jesus’ words “…It isn’t yet My time for miracles”, the very next verse says, “BUT his mother told the servants, “Do whatever He tells you to.” (vs. 5) And what happens next? “Six stone waterpots were standing there; they were used for Jewish ceremonial purposes and held perhaps twenty to thirty gallons each. THEN JESUS TOLD THE SERVANTS to fill them to the brim with water…” (vss. 6-8 TLB). How interesting. We went from “…It isn’t yet My time for miracles…” to “…Jesus told the servants…” When you know without a shadow of doubt that God is ABLE, you don’t allow anything or anyone to hinder or alter your belief! Mary never discussed a thing with Jesus, no crying, no complaining, no murmuring, no “but I’m your mama!” She simply gave the servants the only instructions that matter when there’s a problem and Jesus is present, “…DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU TO.” And that’s the attitude you must learn to take on. Even if no one asks you how are you doing? How are you getting by? Do you need anything? Do you want to talk about it? Is there anything I can do for you? You must maintain your inner encouragement! You must learn to be your own Barnabas! Acts 4:36 says, "Now Joseph, a Levite and native of Cyprus who was surnamed Barnabas by the apostles, which interpreted means Son of Encouragement," (AMPC) And not only was Barnabas a Son of Encouragement, but David was a King of Self-Encouragement: The Bible says, “David was greatly distressed, for the men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them all were bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters. BUT DAVID ENCOURAGED AND STRENGTHENED HIMSELF IN THE LORD HIS GOD.” (1 Samuel 30:6 AMP). Learn how to do this for yourself! Even when the odds are against you! Stay in the ring and keep on fighting even when there’s no crowd cheering you on and no one in your corner to wipe your blood, sweat and tears. Believe God is Able, because He is, and I assure you, that will be all the encouragement you need!

4.. DO IT EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVEN’T WALKED WITH CHRIST VERY LONG: The servants who obeyed Jesus had just met Him! And His disciples had just started following Him! YET, they were ALL EXPECTED to obey Him! So are you! The church has gotten so high and mighty with titles, positions, offices, elevations, degrees, and the like that we’ve lost the childlike simplicity of faith in God. You don’t need all the proper vestments and to be seated in the right chair, you simply need to follow the voice of the Lord and obey it. I don’t care if you just walked off the street and all you know is the name of Jesus, truth is, that is all you need to know! The Bible says, “You’ll remember, friends, that when I first came to you to let you in on God’s master stroke, I didn’t try to impress you with polished speeches and the latest philosophy. I deliberately kept it plain and simple: first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did – Jesus crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2:2 MSG); “For my part, I am going to boast about nothing but the Cross of our Master, Jesus Christ…” (Galatians 6:14 MSG). Whether you’ve been with Jesus 20 seconds, 20 minutes, 20 hours, 20 days, 20 months, or 20 years, the key is simple, childlike faith. Believe God and Obey Him! Let nothing and no one complicate the simplicity of faith! These servants and disciples believed and obeyed Him with the least information about Him. You know that He saves, heals, delivers, performs miracles and He’s still alive and well, that’s enough! Don’t let go of that!

5.. DO IT EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVEN’T YET SEEN HIM WORK MIRACLES IN YOUR LIFE: This was Jesus’ FIRST MIRACLE! They had to obey Him without the faith that comes from a previous track record! That’s challenging!  So, we are all in a new place of trusting God for something we can’t even trace! Is that hard? Absolutely! Preacher or not, I will not tell you that this can be an easy faith walk! I’ve seen God heal people of cancer before, but this is different, when it’s your mother, husband, father, children or even best friend! And this can be an area unfamiliar to your faith! Likewise, you may be facing some things in your life where you’re looking at it like, “where the heck did that come from? When did that start? Who has that? What do we do with that? That nut is not on our family tree?” And yet I admonish you, trust God anyhow! Yes, there will be times when even the treatment seems like it’s working against your condition, but trust God still. He knows what He’s doing. And whether He decides to bring you out of it, or leave you in it, and prove His ability still, trust Him. Your testimony, whether you come out or stay in, will ultimately strengthen your faith, and those around youRomans 8:37, "Nay, IN ALL THESE THINGS we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (KJV) God doesn't have to bring you OUT to bless you, He can bless you even while you're still IN it!

6.. DO IT EVEN THOUGH YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND THE PROCESS: Why pour water into empty containers, when your problem is not water but wine? Answer: Give Jesus what you’ve got, and He’ll give you back what you need! Believe me, like you, I’ve had Jesus to tell me to do some things that made absolutely no sense whatsoever! I just couldn’t grasp His required instructions. I mean think about it like this: In regard to tithing, God says give Me 10%, you keep 90%, and because you gave Me the 10%, I’m going to open the windows of heaven and increase your 90%! WHAT?! Jesus, what kind of math is this?! Reminds me of when my son would come home with math homework with numbers, letters, symbols and the like all in the same problem and go “mommy, can you help me with this?” Uhhh NO! It looked like something to crack a code to hack into governments files! Who thought this math made sense! And so, it feels the same when we try to make sense out of God’s process. But always remember this: He Has Never Asked Us to Understand the Process, Only to Obey It!  No Matter How BAD It Gets, the Potter Can Always Remake It for Our GOOD! So, don’t worry about the Potter or the Process, just remain Yielded Clay that He can work with!

In a Nutshell: When You’re In Need of a Miracle, Just Do What He Tells You To!


           J.  P. Olson


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