Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Prophetic Word I Felt Led To Share

Today I leave for Israel with a group of friends and intercessors, as we pray for peace over Israel and peace over America. We ask for your prayers during our journey to the Holy Land. I felt led to share God's Word and what He has placed on my heart.

Today it appears that our nation is topsy turvy, "a state of utter confusion". God makes no mistakes.  "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God. Consequently, the one who resists authority is opposing what God has set in place, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." (Romans 13:1-2) Worship the lord for every perfect decision He makes, whether we like it or not! Don't find yourself praying and trying to go into spiritual warfare against God and his solidified will. Jesus is not going to stop reigning. God is always working behind the scene.... He's directing it all.

"The LORD of Hosts Himself has planned it; therefore, who can stand in its way? It is His hand that is outstretched, so who can turn it back? “(Isaiah 14:27)
God predestined these things to happen, and God’s Will be done. "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7) God is not a man that He should lie.
Even if my natural mind doesn't always like His decisions, my faith in His sovereignty and perfect ways always takes the forefront. I'm not thinking about mere mortals thoughts on it, because most try to override God and do not understand why He has to allow certain things.

It's seriously time to get it together, God is not playing and Satan is working double time and over time. No More Water, But Fire The Next Time. They ignored the prophecy, continued in their wickedness, and were consumed by the floods of angry waters in the days of Noah. Likewise, many make a mockery of those God uses to warn them, and don't believe, but they too will perish in their wickedness and arrogance, but this time BY FIRE. God is not a man that He should lie; nor is he mocked. Get your houses in order. . Any church that advocates for sin and tells you that there is more than one way to God, is a Synagogue of Satan!

The Holy Spirit told me repeatedly: God is not playing in this hour!
Tell them that powerful demons are being unchained in hell, and are being released into the earth to torment and destroy the inhabitants. God's concern is His people, His church. Where are they, who are they worshiping, what are they doing? Why are they not listening to and obeying sound doctrine? Things are about to get worse. They must pray. This is the season where you have to mean what you say, and say what you mean! Most of all, your actions need to align with your words in everything, because every move you make is crucial, and the time is very sensitive right now. The devil is not showing any mercy on anyone. As a matter of fact, he is even more relentless, because he knows his time is almost up. He is sending more of his human agents and demons your way to distract, derail, and destroy you.  Something is getting ready to pop off.

It's also a time to sever all meaningless and toxic ties, even from those you're just use to being around.  You cannot stay bound to these people and things that are keeping you with constant emotional highs and lows and keep you from progressing. This change is essential for your next level. You can love, forgive, and pray for people from afar! Never allow anyone to make you feel guilty about you wanting to completely sever ties with them, especially if they are hell on wheels, interfering with your relationship with God, and constantly bringing chaos into your life. High blood pressure can lead to death! Use wisdom!  The devil is not showing any mercy on anyone. As a matter of fact, he is even more relentless, because he knows his time is almost up. He is sending more of his human agents and demons your way to distract, derail, and destroy you. Put your spiritual eyes on, be vigilant, and stand firm in your convictions in your walk, and in your dealings with people.

Do not be easily persuaded. Be bold and direct. Be led by the spirit of God, and have a zero tolerance for people coming to you with ulterior motives, trying to insult your intelligence, or with conniving spirits. STOP THEM IN THEIR TRACKS! You have to be unwavering in everything. Let them call it mean if they like. Guard yourself. If you're saved, be saved unapologetically and without shame. Let them call you Holy Roller or whatever else. People will talk whether you're doing good or bad. We are going into a new season, beloveds. It's time to surround yourself with those that genuinely love, support, tell you the truth from a pure place, and have your best interest at hand.

To those of you that are highly anointed, faithful, and obedient to God, when the enemy and his demons cannot touch you, because they know you are too full of power. They will always look for your spiritually weak family; those who lack understanding of the spirit world, and sinful family members or those you love the most, and attack them to get to you. They will even attempt to kill them, and possess them. I know it sounds crazy, but this is the works of the kingdom of darkness. They are stupid like that!

Their goal is to shake your foundation, thwart your faith, halt your prayer life, distract, derail, and ultimately destroy you.
When you pray, you must use your body (brain), spirit, and soul to go into the spiritual realm; visualize/use your imagination, and by name, put your loved ones into the center of a circle, and begin asking God to put a hedge of protection and an incubator of the blood of Jesus, around everyone within that circle.

Also, verbally loose the terror of God on, and bind any demon and/or even human agents that is planning to come into that circle to harm those you've placed inside it. Pray with scripture "Whatever you bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven." all in Jesus's name.

My Heavenly Father, my all and all, You are raising up a standard in this season, and we are called to unwavering faith and obedience in this hour like never before.
 My mind and heart is stayed on You. My hopes are on things eternal. We are but a vapor in this earth; one minute we're here, and the next we're gone. Time is so precious, and it waits for nothing. I just want you to be pleased with me. My entire being and everything You allow is for Your glory.
We must trust You Lord and we love You with all our heart and soul.

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