Monday, May 5, 2014

Who Are You Associating Yourself With?

Who Are You Associating Yourself With?  Stop walking with people going in another direction. Are you around people that's weighing you down, going in the opposite direction. You say one thing, they say something else opposing what you say. Well there is a  cliche or quote that goes like this: "Everyone who is in your life is meant to be a part of that journey, but not all of them are meant to stay. Sometime God have to separate you from people.

A biblical example is Abraham & Lot. God had said he was to leave his family.Taking Lot with him seems to have been an act of disobedience. It was a mistake and caused Abraham great difficulty, nevertheless, in time, God separated Abraham from Lot. Have there been people in your life and journey where you really didn't want to part with them, they were possibly close friends or family, because you felt an obligation or they felt they were entitled to stay in your life.

You see Abraham and Lot were very different people. Abraham followed God and did things
God’s way. Lot followed his own way and lived for himself. Lot had a selfish, independent spirit, his herdsmen simply reflected the attitude of their master. Lot chose to be around people who did wrong and it caused him and his family to accept the sin. They probably did more wrongs because they were around people who sinned. Abraham, on the other hand, followed God and obeyed God. He did right things and lived to please God. Does this mean that we should form Christian communes and not associate with people in the world? Certainly not, how can we fulfill the Great Commission if we segregate ourselves? It does mean however that we should not be so closely associated with people going in opposite directions that they cause us to stumble. We can still witness without compromising our faith.

If today you have people walking with you on this journey but they are looking in a different direction from where you are going, you need to kindly release them or ask God to remove them and part ways, because eventually you will question your own beliefs, wane away from trusting completely in God. Wavering in your faith. Weighed down by negativity and feeling totally drained. Do you know people like this? Do you have friends and relatives like this? All of us would probably say yes. The key to this is to let them go and part ways.  Lot traveling with his uncle Abraham was excess weight and burdens that could have been eliminated if Abraham would have trusted God completely and left his nephew behind, but what happen is that we look at things from a human perspective and God see things as supernatural, because He does the impossible. God separated Abraham from Lot. Do God need to separate you from people in your life who are walking in different directions, causing you distraction, taking up your time with things that are on their agenda and not your agenda. Ask for God's help, He can and will do the impossible. Don't allow someone to be an albatross around your neck. It doesn't mean you don't love or care for the person anymore, there is such a thing as loving someone from a distance. Abraham parted ways with his nephew, he still loved him, but it was from a distance. God guidance never fails.

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