Monday, September 16, 2024

People Do Not Know What They Are Missing When They Do Not Hang Out With Jesus, The Coolest Thing. Hanging With Him Will Stop You From Drinking The Things That Make You Thirsty. Three Things We Need To Do If We’re Going To Quench Our Thirst In Jesus.

Many people are afraid to hang with Jesus, many do not know Him so it is up to us to share Him with others, but we are afraid, due to what others may think or say, if we even utter the name Jesus. Satan has so many believers walking in fear. Some people would probably love to hang out with Jesus, but we will not introduce Him. The woman at the well hurriedly ran to the city to tell the men about a man who told her everything about her life and guess what they were so excited they went to see for themselves, and they ended up asking Jesus to stay longer and He stayed two extra days hanging out. Jesus not only sits and speaks with her but has a conversation so significant it is the longest one recorded by any of the gospel writers.

Some people won’t hang out with Jesus thinking He is going to judge them, another one of Satan’s tactics. Now we are afraid to sit and talk with Him, we don’t want to hang out with Him, because now we must make time for Him, and we do not have room for Him on our agenda and to-do list. I don’t get it, make it make sense. All the peace that surpasses the world, genuine love, patience, joy, understanding. You say He doesn’t quite understand me, now what kind of sense does that make, when He knows and understands you more than you do yourself, every hair on your head, every thought that is in your mind? Telling People About Jesus Is Not An Option. When was the last time you hung out with JesusWhen was the last time you talked about Jesus with a friend? 

John 4:5-30 – Only Jesus can quench your spiritual thirst.

Jesus invited these men (His disciples) to immediately begin the journey of experiencing and learning from Him, rather than planning a specific teaching or discussion time.  This did not require an address or specific place to go.  We are also to learn from Him as we walk with Him through life.  That’s far more intimate, authentic, and effective than a child learning language, knowledge, and skills from parents in their ordinary daily walk-through life together.          

This method was exactly that of a rabbi.  Every rabbi had disciples who lived and traveled with him wherever he went for years, not sitting in some formal classroom or waiting for lectures.  They received instruction and learned their rabbi’s head and heart step-by-step as they spent the hours of their days together.  They saw how knowledge was applied with wisdom in everyday situations.  They modeled their lives after his example.

Being with Jesus today means the same thing for us!  We must spend time with the Scriptures, God’s Word given to us in written form that reveals who Jesus is and all that He wants us to know about Himself and about how to live as He lived on earth.  That Word speaks the truth of God to our spirit just as faithfully as Jesus spoke audibly to His disciples on that day.  We must spend time in joint conversation with Him as we go along.  It's different, but just as genuine as what the disciples had.  His Holy Spirit resides within to open our understanding, communicate His heart and mind, and guide us into faithful application of truth.  In other words, He is developing the character of Jesus in those who set the desires of their own lives aside and follow Jesus with all their heart as we spend time with Him in walking together and hanging out.

We heard the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, from John 4:4-42. I love this story. It is the longest conversation between Jesus and another person in any of the gospels, and it is with a woman. And not just any woman, but a Samaritan woman. Jewish men were not really meant to speak to strange women of any variety, and Jews were not supposed to associate with Samaritans at all, so this conversation was forbidden on all kinds of levels. We get a sense of that in the woman’s response to Jesus - “How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?”  We can’t be sure if she was shocked offended or confused by his request, but it is quite clear that their differences made it seem strange and unexpected. And so, the simple fact that Jesus not only sits and speaks with her but has a conversation so significant it is the longest one recorded by any of the gospel writers, speaks volumes about Jesus’ own heart for inclusion, and complete disregard of all the rules about who was and wasn’t acceptable.

Curious about the man she described, many townspeople made their way to the well to see for themselves (Jn 4:30). At first, many Samaritans believed in Jesus based on the woman’s testimony: “He told me everything I ever did.” Because of her words, they sought him out and asked him to stay with them in the town. For two days, Jesus stayed with them, and many more came to believe in him because of his words. (Jn 4:39–41. You see once they met Jesus they wanted to hang out with Him, His conversation was so deep and intriguing, that the men did not know how thirsty they were and if people would just hang out with him by reading His word, praying, sitting and talking to Him and listening for His reply, at that point wanting a personal relationship with Him will bring you all of the happiness in the world. When it was time for Jesus to go, the townspeople told the woman (Jn 4:42) “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man is the Savior of the world” (Jn 4:42, direct quote from NRSV). They had been hanging out with Jesus.

He mentions life-giving water again a few verses later. Those who drink the water that I will give them will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give them will become in them a spring which will provide them with life-giving water and give them eternal life. (John 4:14)

So, what is this life-giving or living water? Well, Jesus isn’t talking about physical thirst here.  He’s not offering to buy the woman a personal spring on the Malverns. Instead, he’s speaking about her spiritual thirst.  He’s saying He has something that will completely satisfy her spiritual thirst forever.

I remember reading several years ago about tennis player Boris Becker. Did you know that at the very peak of his career, he contemplated suicide? In his autobiography, he writes, I had won Wimbledon twice before, once as the youngest player. I was rich. I had all the material possessions I needed … It’s the old song of movie stars and pop stars who commit suicide. They have everything, and yet they are so unhappy. He said, "I had no inner peace." He had it all – and yet really, he had nothing. And Jesus is saying the same thing to the woman – no number of relationships can give her inner peace whether it is with men or the worship of idol gods. Nothing will – until she addresses the spiritual thirst that sits at the very core of her being.

There’s an old Christian cliché – we all have a God-shaped hole in our hearts. I personally call it a Void that we all have. It’s there because we’re designed for a relationship with God. And when we don’t have that – or when we don’t understand our relationship with God properly – then that God-shaped hole becomes an ache. It cries out for completion. And we’ll never know lasting happiness and contentment until that hole is properly filled. St Augustine so put it like this: You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.

Whoever it is, Jesus sits with them. And He invites us to do likewise. Just as the disciples walked with Jesus and began to live out the radical inclusion He practiced, so we are called to do the same. Because that’s when we begin to transform the world into a kingdom.

Given that the conversation takes place by a well, water seems a natural image to pick. We see throughout the gospels that Jesus often used examples or pictures that were relevant to the situation and lives of those listening to Him, as a way of communicating that what He said was relevant to the situation and lives of those listening to Him. What Jesus said still has meaning for the situation and lives of those who stop to listen to Him - that’s why we’re here - but the example or pictures can sometimes feel a little unfamiliar. Not so here, though, as water always has been and always will be a necessity. It is as refreshing and as satisfying and as sustaining now as it was then, and so is the message that Jesus brought, though on a much deeper level.

So, what’s to be done? Well, if the only thing that can satisfy our spiritual thirst is God, then we need to find a way to quench our thirst for Him.  So, what is it? Well, I reckon Jesus points us to three things in this passage Three things we need to do if we’re going to quench our thirst in Jesus.

1) admit you’re dehydrated.

The first step to solving any problem is admitting it exists. That’s what the woman does when she says to Jesus. “Sir,” the woman said, “give me that water! Then I will never be thirsty again. (John 4:15)

 For some of you, admitting you are spiritually dehydrated will be easy. You can feel it, feel the dryness. You’ve tried everything but deep down you know that you’re still missing something vital. You’re the sort of person who has Psalm 63 as a memory verse,

O God… My whole being desires you; like a dry, worn-out, and waterless land, my soul is thirsty for you.

For others it’s much harder –it’s often the brightest and most capable people who struggle the most with this. You’re used to being able to fix any problem – all you’ve got to do is set goals, come up with a plan, build a team, motivate them, and soon the problem is solved. That works great in the office. It even works great in church.  And it can bring great temporary satisfaction. But it can never satisfy the great spiritual ache within you. No amount of achievement can rehydrate a dried-up soul. Only Jesus can do that. And until we let Him, the drought continues. So, admit you’re dehydrated.

The second thing we’ve gotta do is… 2) stop drinking the things that make you thirsty

 What does Jesus do when the woman admits she’s dehydrated? He points to her marital issues. At first, it sounds like he’s changing the subject or being petty. How cruel to bring up this area of embarrassment for her. Except Jesus isn’t being cruel. He’s challenging her – saying – okay – you’ve realized you’re thirsty. Now you need to admit you’ve been hoping these relationships can do for you what only a relationship with God can do. In other words, you’ve been trying to quench your thirst with things that make you thirsty.

On those hot summer days when the temperature gets into the high 90s, what’s the advice the doctors give?  Stay hydrated! And the way to do that is to lie in the sun and drink lots of beer, isn’t it? Wrong. Alcohol and caffeine-based drinks don’t quench our thirst – they make us thirstier. And it’s just the same with spiritual thirst.  If we try to quench it in the wrong way, it just makes us thirstier.

Now that’s not to say that there aren’t things we can do to make ourselves temporarily happy. Nor are the other things we turn to for happiness and contentment. If money is your source of happiness, can you ever have enough? If beauty is the source of your happiness, you’ll always feel ugly. If it’s popularity or attention, you’ll never be able to please enough people.  If it’s your children, they’ll leave home.  If it’s being in love, the feelings won’t last. If it’s power, you’ll always feel insecure.

So how do we stop trying to quench our thirst for things that’ll make us thirsty? Well, it’s too simplistic to simply say “Kick them out of your life.”  But what if it’s your spouse that you’re trying to cram into the God-shaped hole in your heart? How can you kick him out of your life?  You can’t.  So, what’s the solution? It’s to prayerfully admit before God that we’ve been misusing these good things. We’ve been making them far more than they should be in our lives.

The second commandment says this, you shall have no other gods before me. If we’ve broken that commandment, and if we’ve tried to quench our spiritual thirst for anything but Jesus then we have -Then we need to say sorry. But we can’t leave it there. We have one final thing to do.

3)Quench our thirst with Jesus You’ve got a God-shaped hole in your heart – so fill it with what it’s meant to be filled with. With Jesus. In John 7, Jesus says, whoever is thirsty should come to me, and 38 whoever believes in me should drink.” (John 7:37-38) What Jesus expected his audience to do in response was physically come to Him; follow Him; and build a relationship with Him by spending time with Him, copying the way He lived. In so many words; Hang Out With Him:  In Matthew’s gospel He says, come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Mt.11:28)

It’s all about coming to him. But 2000 years on, how can we physically do that? We can’t. But Jesus knew that – so He sent His Holy Spirit into the world so we can still have a relationship with Him. And that relationship works itself out as we hang out with Him, listen to Him speak as we read and meditate on the Bible; it works out as we speak to Him in prayer and as we declare His wonders in praise; and as we share in His death and resurrection through baptism and communion.

And as we come to Him, He’ll begin to change us, He’ll quench that spiritual thirst, and we’ll learn the true satisfaction that can only come from Jesus, and which can equip us to face all of life’s hardships, that’s what hanging out with Jesus will do. Sitting with Him changes us, equips us, prepares us, we attain wisdom and knowledge, it becomes personal, and we began to model Him in all that we do.

So, quench your thirst for Jesus. Stop drinking the things that make you thirsty.  And it all begins with an admission that you are spiritually dry. Let’s pray to the only One who can quench your thirst. Sharing the Gospel is a direct command.

Jesus commanded them to meet Him at the mountain of Galilee, a place they had been many times before. There they were, standing on the mountain, listening to Jesus give them His marching orders. He said, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations …,” (Matthew 28.18-19 NlT). I envision Jesus, as He spoke these words, with His arms outstretched, gesturing to the nations that were clearly in view from that mountaintop. “Go there and tell them about me. … I’m sending you!” We can’t stand there with Him physically like the disciples did, however, we do have access to hang with Him daily, in our meditation time, reading His Word, praying to Him and listening to what He has to say. We will leave changed. Whenever you sit with Him, however you came to Him, you will leave a changed person, you will have joy, inner peace that surpasses world peace, which is difficult to see these days.

Telling people about Jesus has become an optional suggestion. For those early disciples, the command of Jesus was crystal clear. There was nothing ambiguous about it. Jesus was commanding His disciples to go and tell. What started as a clear command has become a not-so-clear optional suggestion today. I have heard it said that 95 percent of American Christians have never led a person to faith in Jesus Christ. If you are like me that statistic is like a punch in the gut. How could that be? 

While I haven’t been able to determine whether that figure is true, it is a clear fact that American Christians are not sharing their faith very often. According to one poll, when evangelical Christians were asked if they had a responsibility to share their faith, 73 percent said yes. However, when asked if they had shared with someone how to come to faith in Jesus in the last year, 48 percent said no. The poll went on to show that from 2015 to 2020, most generational groups either showed no increase in sharing their faith or showed a steep decline. Only one group told more people about Jesus during that slice of time, and that was the millennial group (people born between the early 1980s and early 2000s). More than 65 percent of this group actively shared their faith with lost friends.

It is considered a sin not to share the Gospel. Why am I sharing these facts and figures with you? Because I want to drive home one really important point — Telling people about Jesus is not optional. On that mountain, Jesus didn’t give a suggestion; He gave a command — a divine imperative. Anything less than obedience is disobedience to Jesus. 

Let me put it another way, and this may sting a little — It is a sin not to share. If you know what Jesus has done for you, and you are commanded by Jesus to share the hope you have with others who are lost and far from God, simply say nothing is sinful. It’s just flat-out wrong. James wrote, “Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it,” (James 4.17 NlT). 

Jesus declared He had all authority. Jesus then commanded His followers to make disciples. They did. But we don’t. So, the big question is, “Why?” Why are so many people who claim to be followers of Jesus AWOL, (absent without leave) when it comes to sharing their faith? Somewhere along the way, we have considered Jesus’ command an option instead of a mandate.

When was the last time you hung out with JesusWhen was the last time you talked about Jesus with a friend? Take time today to hang out with Jesus. Oh what peace and joy that awaits you.


J.P. Olson

Monday, September 9, 2024

If You Don’t Forgive Them, HE Will Not Forgive You! Now, Are You That Angry With Someone That You Would Rather Walk Around Unforgiven By God? He Had To Convict Me Two Days Ago. My Personal Experience.

Proverbs 20:22, Do not say, “I’ll PAY YOU BACK for this wrong!” Wait for the LORD, and He will deliver you” {NIV}

Contrary to popular belief, REVENGE ISN’T SWEET; it makes us SOUR! Marcus Aurelius said it best: “The best revenge is to be UNLIKE him who performed the injury.”

Furthermore, studies have shown an association between negative emotions such as Anger and Revenge with a variety of Destructive Physical Symptomsincluding headaches, backaches, allergic disorders, ulcers, nausea, high blood pressure, and heart attacks! Sadly, while vengeful people plot another’s demise, they are unaware that they often develop a painful health problem for themselves! In a nutshell, they don’t realize that Paybacks have a way of Paying You Back Too!

Mahatma Gandhi gave us this insight: “An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.” It’s vital that you Remember for every Payback, there is a Surcharge. So, YOU will have to Pay Also! My personal insight “You can’t fire with fire, you will never put out the flame” REMEMBER: It’s Conditional! You Are Forgiven After You’ve Forgiven!

The Scripture Will Not Change Just Because You’ve Been Wronged! The Fact Is, If You Don’t Forgive Them, HE Will Not Forgive You! Now, Do You Want By God? I don’t know about you, but Absolutely No One Can Make Me That Mad! Anger, Revenge, Resentment, Unforgiveness are All Expensive To Take Chances Living Outside The Forgiveness of God?! Are You That Angry With Someone That You Would Rather Walk Around Unforgiven! They Will Cost You God’s Forgiveness; Heaven as Your Home; a Crown; a Robe; Your Name Written In the Lamb’s Book of Life; Peace; Joy; Contentment etc.

My personal experience with God two days ago. I was preparing my message for my broadcast, and I was going to talk about forgiveness, how believers and people of God need to examine their life and remove any unforgiveness. I knew that I was ready with my message, at least I thought I was ready. I had prayed about teaching on forgiveness and presented it to God. So, I proceeded on to preparing the message, typing it out and after I finished, I felt as though God was staring me in my face. The Holy Spirit jolted me, and God spoke almost audible in my spirit and asked me: How are you going to speak on forgiveness, what are you going to tell the people, have you searched your own heart, are you sure you are ready?

That’s when God had to convict my heart. You see about 10 or 12 years ago, a friend of mine who was an attorney had done a lot of wrong to some clients. He had developed a drug addiction, and he stole a lot of money from clients who were people I had referred to him. It had gotten so bad that he began to steal from my family, and he broke into a friend’s house and stole her jewelry. He and I were close friends, we had met during our time at the university, he knew my family and my children, and I knew his wife and children. When I found out what he had done to not only me but other people I knew personally, I thought this was it. I will never ever forgive him. He called me one time down on his luck. I told him that I would never forgive him, even if Jesus told me too, which was foolish, that’s how angry I was. He was calling people when he was trying to get himself together asking friends to call me and ask me to forgive him. I would not bulge. Then my son asked me one day had I seen this attorney lately and drugs had caused him to look so frail and my sister said the same thing. Then my son said mom, you should forgive him. This is my son that my attorney friend took 10,000 from and he was asking me to forgive my friend, so I want to be stubborn until God got my attention on Friday. God will surely test you. I had not heard from this friend in 10 years or more, do you want to know what happened. My heart should have convicted me, but God had to convict me.  God knew what to do.

My friend sent me a request on FB. I did not reply, then he sent me a message on Messenger, I just set there looking at it, and I heard those words in my spirit what God had said earlier “How are you going to speak on forgiveness, have you searched your heart? He was asking me to please call him, he said that he had been hurting for years and he felt God wanted him to call me and ask for forgiveness. I began to weep, and I called him and a felt some weight lifted from me. He cried and shared that the one person that was always by his side, that made him believe that he could even be a judge, encouraged him to not give up, is the person that he used and took advantage of, he did so many things wrong and wanted to ask for my forgiveness. I said yes, yes, you are forgiven and forgive me for not wanting to forgive you, I did not want to live outside the forgiveness of God. He shared that he had given his life to God and had started practicing law again and sent me a picture of you, where he is looking healthy now. He had gone through treatment and is campaigning for a Judge position soon. We laughed and he asked me to pray for him and with him. I had not reached out to him, and I believe God intervened and touched his heart to call me because God had spoken to my heart, and He knew that I would respond to my friend’s plea. I wanted to share this because we must do our part as followers of Jesus Christ. We must represent him well. Before I could talk on forgiveness, I needed to re-evaluate my heart, I had to repent and ask God for forgiveness. Forgive today and watch God do His part in your life. Do not let God convict you as He convicted me.

Revenge Opposes the Golden Rule: “Do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12). Another translation says this: “So then, whatever you desire that others would do to and for you, even so, Do Also To And For Them…” (AMP). Therefore, if you seek Forgiveness when you are in the wrong, don’t expect to get it if Revenge is the Seed You’ve Sown in the Lives of Others!

Instead of taking things into our own hands, this proverb encourages us to let go and let God deal with our enemies! Because with God; wicked people, will eventually get their “just due!” Therefore, You are Never to Exercise Vengeance because God said: “Beloved, Never Avenge Yourselves, but leave the way open for [God’s] wrath; for it is written, Vengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay (requite), says the LORD” (Romans 12:19 AMP). Therefore, vengeance Belongs to God, and He Alone Has the Right to Exercise It! And Unless You Can Prove You Are Indeed GOD, You Have No Rights to Vengeance! Another translation reads: “Don’t hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with everybody. Don’t insist on getting even; That’s Not For You To Do. “I’ll Do The Judging,” Says God. “I’ll Take Care Of It” (Msg). Did you catch all that? You don’t get to hit back, you don’t get to get even, you don’t get to judge, and you don’t get to take care of it! That Is All In God’s Authorization and Under His Jurisdiction Alone! The word “jurisdiction” means: “the official power to make legal decisions and judgments; the territory or sphere over which the legal authority of a court or other institution extends” Its Latin Origin comes from “Jus,” meaning “Law” and “Dicere” meaning “Say.” In other words, When It Comes to Vengeance, God Alone Has Jurisdiction to Make Decisions! Why? Because that’s what the Law (Bible) Says!

Louis XII of France is said to have treated his enemies in an Unexpected Manner after ascending to the throne. Before coming to power, he had been cast into prison and kept in chains. Later, when he did become king, he was urged to seek Revenge on those who had opposed him, BUT HE REFUSED! Instead, he prepared a scroll on which he listed all who had perpetrated crimes against him. Then, he placed a Cross in Red Ink behind every man’s name! When the guilty heard about this, they feared for their lives and fled. Then the king explained, “The Cross which I drew beside each name was not a sign of punishment, but a pledge of forgiveness extended for the sake of the crucified Savior, who upon His Cross Forgave His Enemies and Prayed For Them.

Moral of the Story: Just because you have a right to be angry doesn’t mean you can exercise it to cause injury! In God’s Book, that’s still Wrong! Anger is one letter short of Danger.

“Anyone who angers you conquers you!” (Author Unknown) And last I checked, the Bible Still Says, You Are to Be Led or Controlled By the Holy Spirit ONLY, Not Your Emotions, Feelings, or Hurts! So, stop allowing your anger, resentment, and attempts at Revenge to become your mini-god! You’ve bowed down to it long enough and often enough already! Cast down the idol of your anger, resentment, and Revenge, and serve the Lord as His True Disciple: “Let me give you a new command: Love One Another. In the Same Way, I loved you; you Love One Another. This is how everyone will Recognize That You Are My Disciples – When They See The Love You Have For Each Other” (John 13:35 MSG)

You can’t say out of one side of your mouth that you love God, but you hate your brother or sister out of the other side! The Bible reads: “If anyone boasts, “I Love God,” and goes right on Hating His Brother or Sister, Thinking Nothing of It, HE IS A LIAR. If he won’t Love the Person He Can See, How Can He Love the God He Can’t See? The Command We Have From Christ Is Blunt: Loving God Includes Loving People. You’ve Got to Love Both” (1 John 4:20 MSG).

“My dear friends, with our tongues we speak Both Praises and Curses. We Praise Our Lord and Father, And We Curse People Who Were Created To Be Like God, AND THIS ISN’T RIGHT” (James 3:9-10 CEV). So, like it or not, if you’re going to Love God, You’ve Got To Love LIKE God!

- “Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Also Have Forgiven Our Debtors” (Matthew 6:12). Another translation says it like this: “And Forgive Us our debts, As We Also HAVE FORGIVEN (LEFT, REMITTED, AND LET GO OF THE DEBTS, AND HAVE GIVEN UP RESENTMENT AGAINST) Our Debtors” (AMP). Did you get that? Forgive Us Because We’ve ALREADY FORGIVEN THEM FIRST! Now That’s Within Your Jurisdiction!

Hear the Word: “In Prayer There Is A Connection Between What God Does, And You Do. You Can’t Get Forgiveness From God, For Instance, Without Also Forgiving Others. If You Refuse To Do Your Part, You Cut Yourself Off From God’s Part” (Matthew 6:15 MSG). However, I don’t think we fully grasp this Scripture!

Look at it this way: If you are angry with your brother or sister over what he or she did to you on November 1, 2009, and you haven’t forgiven them since all the wrong YOU’VE has done since November 1, 2009, Has Never Been Forgiven By God No Matter How Many Prayers You’ve Prayed! Because Your Forgiveness Hinges On Their Forgiveness! I’ll reiterate the text: “In prayer, there is a CONNECTION between what God does and What You Do. You Can’t Get Forgiveness From God, For Instance, Without Also Forgiving Others. If You Refuse To Do Your Part, You Cut Yourself Off From God’s Part” (Matthew 6:15 MSG). I don’t know about you, but I do too much wrong from day to day that needs the Forgiveness of God, that I can’t afford to go year-by-year Living Outside of the Forgiveness of God! 

Therefore, I ask you again, Is Payback Really Worth That Much To You That You Would Pay This High Price to Bankrupt Your Soul By Losing So Much of God’s Goodness!?

Someone may ask you, why should we forgo Revenge and offer Forgiveness? Tell them it’s simple Because We Have Been Forgiven Repeatedly and Completely By God! Therefore, We Can’t Live Anyway Contrary! Consequently, we Must Do For Others What Has Been Done For Us, Forgive, Repeatedly, and Completely!

Matthew 18:21-22, “Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, when my fellow believer sins against me, how often must I forgive him? Should I forgive him as many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you; you must forgive him more than seven times. Even if he wrongs you seventy times seven” (NCV).

To many, this seems unfair. It seems wrong. It seems unjust. However, what if God only forgave us seven times, then stopped? Where would we be? Imagine God saying, ‘sorry, you’ve maxed out your forgiveness benefits.’ And Peter only offered seven times. But from birth, how many times have we wronged God? If this were the case, many of us wouldn’t be forgiven past our youth! You’re not going to want to hear this, but as a believer, you don’t get to put a limit on Forgiveness. Why? Because God doesn’t set a limit on your Forgiveness. And since your Forgiveness is directly connected to theirs, do you want God to cut you off as Peter would suggest, at seven?  I think not. Because as saved as we are, we sin beyond seven times by the time we wake up in the morning! We need God’s constant Forgiveness, and likewise, our brothers and sisters need our endless Forgiveness. So, pray and ask God to give you a heart of compassion like His. Provide you with stricter skin to handle offense because the offense will often come by those we love most.

Think of Jesus. After all, He did among the 12; three of them couldn’t even stay awake for Him in prayer, one would betray Him, and only one could be found at the foot of the cross at His death! And yet, He didn’t replace them, didn’t cut them off, didn’t destroy the friendship, didn’t keep rehearsing what they did and didn’t do. No, He continued to be with them, to reveal more of Himself to them; He still loved them and loved them so much that He forgave them. So let us, as Christians, start acting more Christ-Like. Stop keeping a headcount on who hurt you and how many times. Because if God were to count how many times you’ve hurt Him, what would that number look like?

Today, forgive significantly because you have been greatly forgiven. 4:32 forgive as God in Christ forgave you.” (MSG).

Pay Back is a Blessing, so if You are to Pay Anyone Today, Make the Payment a Blessing, and Watch God Add to You a Bonus!


J.P. Olson


Monday, September 2, 2024

I Believe Someone Need To Listen, Hear & Read The Inspirational Word For Today. God Can Reach Your Children: You Or Someone You Know Has A Son Or A Daughter Who Is Away Right Now; Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, Physically. Read For Encouragement

 I Believe Someone Needs To Listen, Hear & Read The Inspirational Word For Today. God Can Reach Your Children: You Or Someone You Know Has A Son Or A Daughter Who Is Away Right Now; Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, Physically. For Encouragement Read This: 

You know, Jesus is still in the business of giving children back to their parents; even when it appears hopeless, they will never come back. Well, my word of encouragement is this simple word from the Lord. He is still in the business of giving children back to their parents.

Luke 7:11-15, "Not long after that, Jesus went to the village Nain. His disciples were with him, along with quite a large crowd. As they approached the village gate, they met a funeral procession—a woman's only son was being carried out for burial. And the mother was a widow. When Jesus saw her, his heart broke. He said to her, "Don’t cry.” Then he went over and touched the coffin. The pallbearers stopped. He said, “Young man, I tell you: Get up.” The dead son sat up and began talking. Jesus presented him to his mother.” (MSG)

I Am The Proud Mother Of Three Adult Children, and they are all indeed a wonderful handful! Are They Perfect? No! They are three entirely different, exciting, and sometimes strange creatures! Not one personality is duplicated of any of the others, making for a very comical parenting life. Their careers range from Computer Science/Graphic Designer, Architecture Engineer, Music Producer/Engineer, Trucking Business to Acting/Modeling. Again, three different individuals; the truth is, I am proud of them and love each of them dearly.

Now, as unique, incredible, gifted, handsome, and beautiful as all my children are, they can drive me nuts! Have they made mistakes? Indeed, they have. Yes, they are all adults now, and I was told it gets easier as they get older (I have no idea who started that rumor and lie), but I do not believe that to be true! When they are younger, you have so much more control over them, what they do, where they go, and who they spend time with. But when they become adults, you become more nervous because they do not always have to clue you in on their every decision and move. And for an over-protective parent like me, that can mean a lot of sleepless nights in prayer!

However, it is safe to say that not many parents can sleep soundly until they know their children are safe and in for the night. My eldest child, my daughter; I call her the responsible one who makes sure each child is accountable for what they do or do not do. I still look for her to let me know at night that she has made it home safely, no matter how late it is. I always look forward to hearing the words, “Ma, I’m home.” But, unfortunately, sometimes they get delayed, or sometimes they are in a situation where they cannot call. And it is natural, I think, for a mom or a dad to be anxious until they can get a fix on where their kids are, and the exciting time of relief is when they call you on the phone, come in the door or when they are married and reach their home, and we know everything is okay. Right? The only three individuals I talk to on the phone regularly know to check-in.

Some of the most beautiful words in the English language are, “Mom, Dad, and I’m home.” Do you know a child who is overdue in saying those words?

Let us take another look at our text in a different translation: “Soon afterward Jesus went to a city called Nain [near Nazareth], and His disciples and a large crowd accompanied Him.  As He approached the city gate, a dead man was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the city was with her [in the funeral procession]. When the Lord saw her, He felt [great] compassion for her and said to her, “Do not weep.”  And He came up and touched the bier [on which the body rested], and the pallbearers stood still. And He said, “Young man, I say to you, arise [from death]!” The man who was dead sat up and began to speak. And Jesus gave him back to his mother.” (AMP)

Wow! That is a powerful story! And the most comforting words of all for me (as a mother) are these, “…And Jesus gave him back to his mother.”

Why are children or young people on my mind today or in my reading, because in the past three months, I have received the unfortunate news of a young person committing suicide. I have prayed with family members, trying to find words of encouragement and inspiration. You see, Satan is after our children, family, and marriages. He wants to destroy the family unit, so he plays in the mind of our youth and young adults, where many believe that suicide is the answer; maybe some of them feel hopeless or have been written off as the odd one out of the family or useless. Whatever the case, mistake after mistake, problem after problem, we cannot write our children off as losers, troublemakers, or whatever noun some parents may use in describing a child that has caused nothing but problems.

I know what some of you may say, though, “you do not see how far my child is, or I do not see it as possible, it has been too long, or they have been like this too long. As my sons have both shared: Am I perfect? Not on your life! Not even on our best day, mom! But am I better than where I was (spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically)? Absolutely! Did it happen overnight? Uh…NOPE! Did we make more mistakes even after we were baptized at church? Sure Did, Every Day! But were still redeemable? YES! And so are your children, regardless of their age, what they have done, where they have been, or how long it has been.

Some more words that my sons shared. They were blessed enough to have mentoring men to cross their path at school and church, and much like Jesus did for the woman’s son in the above Scripture, someone stopped by and spoke life so that they might live again and live better. And that is my intention for you and your children today. So please stop by and talk about life, no matter how dead their situation maybe!

I do not know why specifically, but for some reason, I just thought that this day should be the time when we should talk about this for someone who needs that little word of encouragement. Someone that needs to hear that their children are not lost forever!

I know this to be true and not just because of past youth mistakes and redemption, but from my own children’s lives. All three of them were raised in the church. They were taught about Jesus simultaneously as learning A, B, C’s, and 1,2,3’s. They went to Sunday School, Bible Study, and ALL Church Services. They were on multiple auxiliaries at church. And when it was time to make friends, they were to pick their friends from church! It sounds little nuts, but we pushed our kids hard in the Christian Faith and have no regrets. Did all that keep them saved, sanctified, holy, delivered, and spotless? Heck, I Wish! But the truth is, it did not. They are church kids and preacher’s grandkids, but will I stand here and tell you they have never had a drink of alcohol and never seen the inside of a club, sorry, but if I’m going to help you, I must be honest with you, and that most certainly is not the case here! They have dated people I wish they never met, lied to us, done things, and gone to places I could erase from my memory bank! As a mom, I would love to un-tattoo, un-drink, and un-do every wrong decision they have ever made in life, but I cannot, and neither can you and neither can they! But thank God, He brought them back to where they were taught about Jesus, the A B C’s, and the 123’s that they can share with other young adults. He does not need them or us to go back and un-do anything! He can make them whole using all their fractured pieces!

You know better than I do why we are talking about this today. Sometimes, your prayers are not being answered for the one you love. But remember, much of God’s work is invisible. Like plants getting ready to sprout and come out, flowers bloom in the spring. We do not see anything going on all winter, and it looks like nothing is going on under the ground. But God is at work all the time; “when it looks like nothing’s happening, God’s still at work.” And I believe it to be true. So much that God is doing to bring that child home you cannot see. But you’d better believe it is going on under the ground where you cannot see it.

I know you have prayed, fasted, pleaded with God, interceded on their behalf, and still, it looks like nothing is happening. And if you have been in my shoes as a parent, sometimes it seems like the more you pray, the worse they get! I know the feeling of, “Lord, when will you do it for my kid? When will they come back to church? When will they change for the better? When will they turn around? When God…When?” And because I am a counselor and a minister, I know that some of you have even deeper questions such as, “When will they get off drugs? When will they get out of that crack-house? When will he get out of that gang? When will she get out of that abusive relationship? When will he get a job? When will she stop having babies?” The truth is it is not easy being a parent. And sometimes, we want our kids to ‘get that.’ But often will not until they are forced by life to walk in our shoes. However, we will trust our father to keep them and us for the time being! He is the Father of Children like US, and we have done, said, and been, and He yet loves the US unconditionally still, certainly He can be trusted to help us, Parent!

Proverbs 3:5-12, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; do not try to figure out everything yourself. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He is the one who will keep you on track. Please do not assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, and your very bones will vibrate with life! Honor God with everything you own; give Him the first and the best. Your barns will burst, and your wine vats will brim over. But do not, dear friend, resent God’s discipline; do not sulk under His loving correction. It is the child He loves that God corrects; a father’s delight is behind all this.” (MSG)

Father Knows Best, Is Indeed More Than the Title of a TV Show, But For Us, It is God’s truth!

So, we have Jesus to Save them and bring them back to life; we have the Father to help us Parent them; and then there is the Wonderful Comforter and Counselor, the Holy Spirit – and He pursues that child wherever he goes. They can get away from us, but they cannot get away from Him. Psalm 139:7-12, “Is there any place I can go to avoid your Spirit? Out of Your sight? If I climb to the sky, You are there! If I go underground, You are there! If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon, you would find me in a minute—You are already there waiting! Then I said to myself, “Oh, He even sees me in the dark! At night I am immersed in the light!” It is a fact: darkness is not dark to You; night and day, darkness and light are all the same.” (MSG).

Isn’t it wonderful to know that your child has an internal tracking device, so they are never off the grid?! There is nowhere for your child to run and hide, where they are not seen and heard. No matter what they do, who they do it with, where they go, or how far they go, they cannot get away from the Holy Ghost! That may frustrate them, but it should undoubtedly fortify your faith! Your child has nowhere on planet earth to hide from God! Your child cannot find a hiding place on earth, in heaven, hell, or even in death! So, keep praying, mom, keep fasting, dad, they have no natural way of escape!

I must also add this admonishment, though, open arms do more than open mouths to bring kids home. Sometimes we can talk too much and push them so hard we push them away from the Lord. Listen: The Father of the prodigal son did not chase the sun. He just kept his arms open for him to come home. (Feel free to read the entire story in Luke 15:11-32), but I want to hone in on a small part, for now, that reads, “So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with compassion for him and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy of being called your son.’  But the father said to his servants, ‘Quickly bring out the best robe [for the guest of honor] and put it on him; and give him a ring for his hand, and sandals for his feet. And bring the fattened calf, slaughter it, and let us [invite everyone and] feast and celebrate; for this son of mine was [as good as] dead and is alive again; he was lost and has been found.’ So, they began to celebrate.” (vs. 20-24 AMP)

There is so much that I love about this story, but what is most exciting today are these three things:

1.. As bad as this son messed up, you would think it would have been the son running to his father's safety, but it was the other way around, the father saw him a far off, “…ran and embraced him and kissed him….” You cannot always wait for your child to come to you; sometimes, you must meet them halfway or go. Some may think it unfair since the kid messed up. But the father did not even care. He saw his son as far off and went to him first. Sometimes we can let our anger cloud our judgment and think, “as bad as you messed up, you have to earn your way back into my good graces; you’ll need me first; you better beg for my forgiveness; you better hope I let you back in….” But the father saw his son, went to him with compassion, and showed him love and affection. Make sure you do the same.

2.. The son immediately starts with, “…I am no longer worthy of being called your son….” But my favorite part is, “…But the father said to his servants….” The father never even addressed the sons’ sins. He immediately started the restoration process. Nobody knows better than you are just how badly you have messed up as a kid and an adult. So having others pour salt into your fresh, open wound does not help to heal. They know what they have done, so when they make their U-turn back, do not keep giving them fines for everything they have done wrong and every wrong turn they have ever made. Let them start over. Give them another chance. You know, like the many you receive from God daily… Please do not rub it in their faces. Do not keep rehashing old history. Do not keep reviewing their mistakes like an auditor during tax season. Take their lives from under the microscope. Be grateful that they have made it back and not in a coffin!

3.. Many of us make a mistake after our children return, telling everybody everything about what, when, where, why, and how behind our children’s mistakes. Please do not. Instead, do what the father did; before he told others (and all he told them was to come and celebrate with him for the return of his son that was good as dead but is now alive), he Re-Covered the son that he had Recovered! “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quickly bring out the best robe [for the guest of honor] and put it on him; give him a ring for his hand, and sandals for his feet….” The son did not deserve it, but the father did it anyway. People may have known that he had left home, but when he returned, his father made sure that before anyone saw him, he re-covered him so that he did not look like where he had been or what he had done. Is not that just like our Father? By the time the folks would arrive to see him, he would look like he had never left in the first place. So, when they return, parents restore them, re-cover them, and celebrate! All that matters is that they have finally returned home.

The widow’s dead son and the prodigal son looked like hopeless cases never to be resolved. And yet, they both were. One son was over, and the other dead, and yet, both were recovered and restored. Even when it looked completely impossible.

Therefore, I encourage you not to give up on your children today. They are redeemable, just as you were.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11, “Don’t you realize that this is not the way to live? Unjust people who do not care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. Those who use and abuse each other, use, and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it do not qualify as citizens in God’s kingdom. A NUMBER OF YOU KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT FOR NOT SO LONG AGO THAT YOU WERE ON THAT LIST. Since then, you have been cleaned up and given a FRESH START by Jesus, our Master, our Messiah, and our God present in us, the Spirit.” (MSG)

Mom, Dad, Do not Forget You Messed Up Too! But the Bible clearly says, “…Since then, you’ve been cleaned up and given a FRESH START by Jesus, our Master, our Messiah, and by our God present in us, the Spirit.” So, give them a second chance God continually gives you. And I am crazy enough to believe that you will hear, “Mom… Dad… I am home.”

Luke 15:4-7, “Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one. Wouldn’t you leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until you found it? When found, you can be sure you would put it across your shoulders, rejoicing, and when you get home, call in your friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Celebrate with me! I have found my lost sheep!’ Count on it—there is more joy in heaven over one sinner’s rescued life than over ninety-nine good people in no need of rescue.” (MSG)


J.P. Olson