Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Before The Year Ends, Ask Yourself Did You Get To Know Him?

People want to debate and argue about the actual date of Jesus birth. That's not as important as this next question. The question is very simple. When your life is over, only one thing will really matter: Did you get to know the Son of God? The extra Christmas presents you were able to buy because of your long hours at the office won’t matter. All the time you spent preparing the perfect holiday meal won’t matter either. But whether you spent your time getting to know Jesus will matter for ages and ages to come. What is important is that He was born, because of Him we have salvation full and free. He is our living Savior, let's get to know Him better by having a more personal and intimate relationship with Him.

God Knows, God Understands and God Does

You are waking up with a clean slate. God's mercies are new this morning. Our heavenly Father knows every decision we need to make and every challenge we face. When no one can comprehend all that we have been through; God Knows. When no one understands our feelings or situations or heartaches; God Understands. When no one can possibly fathom our hurting hearts, God Does. God's work done in God's way will never lack God's provisions. Lord forgive us for the times we have tried to figure this thing out on our own. We need you. We need Your Holy Spirit to give us strength, wisdom and direction.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Either Way, You and I Win.

Sooner or later you will face situations beyond your control. So when you find yourself in unpredictable, uncontrollable, frustrating circumstances, there is still one thing you can count on to have control of your situation. We all are subject, but with God He is the Author of it all. You have to trust God to work in your life and bring order, hope, and peace out of your chaos. Does anyone want to end one year knowing that going into another year will be spent with difficult emotional challenges? I don’t know anyone, but I go into 2015 knowing that God is the source of my strength. He will encourage me and as I encourage my family and friends, God be with you. I always end in “Either Way I Win” because I believe whether God heals us here on earth or calls us home to be with Him, “EWIW”. That applies to you all as well. Either Way You Win. Many issues in our life simply cannot be resolved through our human understanding and reasoning. In our particular situation we will discover there are no easy solutions, but there is one sure promise.  You can not go back far
enough to find that God was not there. Sometimes, we just didn't know it. Whatever level you are at now, God is about to move you from the background to the foreground.

Friday, December 19, 2014

You Can't Walk With God, Holding Hands With the Devil

There are millions of people in this world that would claim to be Christians but if you were to examine their lives you would find that they are no different than those who don’t claim to be Christians. There are those who claim to be Christians who lie, cheat, steal, etc. just like everyone else.  You can’t walk with God and hold hands with the Devil. Lot is one who exemplifies for us someone who fell into the trap of the Devil and tried to walk with God and hold hands with the Devil. Jesus said in Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (money).” Lot is evidently one of these types of people. His whole life seems to have been tinged with earthly colorings, and to have been struck through with the spirit of the world. He preferred to live on the borderland of true Christian experience, rather than in the land itself, and to be quite a little more at home with the filthy Sodomites than with the praying household of his Uncle Abram. Alas! He was dominated by the spirit of the world!” You might say he tried to walk with God and hold hands with the Devil.

The first mistake that Lot made was that he got his eyes off of what God wanted for him, and he began to look at the wealth of the world. You see, he saw this well watered plain of the Jordan. The Scripture says that it was like the “garden of the Lord.” In other words, when Abraham gave Lot the choice of where he wanted to live, Lot saw this place that looked like the very Garden of Eden! It was a beautiful place with lots of green luscious grass and water for all of his herds. He looked at the nearby cities Sodom and Gomorrah and decided that he would like to have this area. So, in one fatal decision he chose the well watered plains of the Jordan. He chose the world. He allowed worldly consideration alone to move him, good water, fine pastures, close to a city market, good business opportunities, and a splendid chance to make money!! Sure, there was a lot of sin in the neighborhood, but he must not let little scruples like that interfere with business, after all, business and religion shouldn’t mix! Lot looked towards Sodom.

So it is that thousands of Christians are going down today in the same way. They are being swallowed up in a maelstrom of worldliness. They leave
their souls out of account and do not consult God when making decisions.  I feel like our every decision should be made by first asking “Is that what God wants me to do?” When we start a new job, when we move to a new place, whatever the decision is, we need to first make it by asking ourselves this question. Lot did not make his decision on what God wanted; he made his decision based upon his own desire.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Make These Four Habits Regular Activities

We live in a world filled with people who, like sheep, are lost, confused, hungry, lonely, and in desperate need of a Savior. Only Jesus, the Living Water, can satisfy the thirsty soul.  When a Christian stops growing, help is needed.  If you are the same Christian you were a few months ago, be careful.  You might be wise to get a checkup.  Not on your body, but on your heart.  Not a physical, but a spiritual.  Make these four habits regular activities and see what happens: First, the habit of prayer.  Second, the habit of study;  Third, the habit of giving and Last of all, the habit of fellowship.  We exist to glorify God, all day every day! 

J.P. Olson

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

When Trouble Multiplies, Grace Magnifies.

When Trouble Multiplies, Grace Magnifies. When we give God all we have in facing our troubles, we'll learn where our strength ends and His begin.  We may have weaknesses, but God has strength. We may have sin, but God has grace. We may fail, but God remains faithful! We may have been unworthy, unfaithful, unmerciful, unteachable, unwilling, & unwise. But the cross shows us we’ve never been unloved. Through Christ we are offered grace, a free gift. If it seem like your troubles are multiplying, know that God's Grace abounds. We often hear the cliche "when it rains it pours" it appear that everything around us is falling apart all at once. The Moment you're ready to quit is usually the Moment right before the Miracle happens. Don't give up. God's whisper of comfort quiets the noise of our trials.  When we know that God’s hand is in everything, we can leave everything in God’s hand. " My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9.

Monday, October 13, 2014

When We Continually Complain

The soul that complains cannot find comfort in anything.  When we continually complain we give Satan a playing field in our mind, we allow him to walk in and out of the door of our lives. The soul that gives thanks can find comfort in everything in every situation.  The Bible is GOD'S guidebook to show us how to distinguish right and wrong. When we open our hearts to His perfect love, we are touched by the Master's hand, and we are transformed.  There are areas in our lives that need changing. Let God do the changing. Follow His Word.  Lord God, nothing is going to work for me, unless You are in the plan. Help me!  Father just as You have lifted me up, let me be a blessing lifting others in a spirit of encouragement and optimism and hope.  The Word is truth and will forever be the ultimate truth. Father, let me worship You every day of my life!  Praise Him, tell of His excellent greatness!  When we worship God faithfully and fervently we will be blessed way more then we could ever think.  In the sanctuary we discover love, joy, contentment and relief in His presence.  Nothing is more important than the time you spend with your Savior.  Dear Father, please help us to be still before You letting nothing come between You and I.  Keep me mindful that You are always with me and I can sense Your presence today and everyday as long as I am Yours. God wants us to serve Him with a willing spirit that would choose no other way but His.  If you are in covenant with Jesus then He is responsible for covering your weaknesses with His strength.  Quiet your mind so that you can sense God's will, love and His Son. In those moments when you open your heart to Jesus Christ you will receive direction, wisdom and courage... just take the 1st step!   As Christians, we have been refashioned and saved by Jesus Christ; salvation came not because of our own good works but God's grace.  Dear Father, as I trust in You and in Your master plan, help me not to complain but to be thankful and open to Your plan for me. Amen

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Seasons of Your Life, Today You May Be Going Through A Winter

Today, you may be going through a "winter" in your life.  You may not see the fruit that you desire.  Seasons are an integral part of God's creation. There may be times when we don't immediately experience the blessings we seek from God.  We may wonder if He hears us, and it may seem like our prayers aren't being answered.  During these moments, we can feel that nothing will ever change.  In God's design, things take place according to His calendar, according to His eternal timetable, in the fullness of time, at the right moment, and in the right season.  Seeing life through the perspective of seasons can help us understand our experiences better.  We will go through seasons of the year. The word in Genesis translated "seasons" means "appointed places or times."  Seasons are God's appointed times and places when special things happen. God wants you to know that you will go through seasons during your life- seasons for planting, seasons for waiting patiently for the Seeds to mature, seasons for Reaping, times of change, times for growth and struggle, and many other kinds of experiences.  These are His appointed times for you.  Yes, you might experience moments of difficulty, challenges when things don't make sense, and days when you have questions.  But through every experience, remember that you are only going through a season. God also has appointed times of blessings just for you.  Everything in our lives can play an important role in leading to the Harvest God has prepared for us.  Don't be discouraged.  Never give up or lose faith.  If you are faithful, God will bring you through your difficult seasons, bless you with an abundant Harvest, and show you that there is  " a time for every purpose under heaven" in your life.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Urgency of the Hour. Do No Be Distracted.

The urgency of the hour.  Today, there are too many ways in which people are being distracted and falling asleep spiritually. Paul wrote about night and darkness, which symbolizes sin, the world, and the reign of ungodly people and forces.  In the light of the urgency of the hour, Paul challenged Believers to purge darkness from their lives and "put on the armor of light." Romans 13: 11-12.  Their greatest defense was to live and act in the light, which represented the purity of the Gospel and the penetrating presence and convicting power of the Holy Spirit. Today, we also live in critical times, Bible prophecies are being fulfilled.  We, too, must not fall asleep spiritually, become lulled into complacency or let down our guard.  We must be alert and ready, refusing to be distracted. We are truly living in the urgency of the hour. Father help us to realize the urgency of the hour. Help us to live in the light and be a pure vessel. Reveal secret sins and anything that displeases You. Help us to be ready. In Jesus' name.  Amen

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

There Are Dangerously Strong Winds Blowing These Days!

There are dangerously strong winds blowing these days! Winds that threaten our economic stability; Winds of war, Winds predicting epidemic diseases, Winds of rising unemployment, extreme debt, and runaway federal spending. But we don’t ever have to be swept off course by any contrary wind as long as we maintain a fixed setting, anchored in God’s Word.  If we go through life unanchored, those powerful winds will push us far off course until shipwreck looks unavoidable.  Peace doesn't come from finding a lake with no storms. It comes from having Jesus in the boat. If you are steering through life unanchored in the midst of a storm you will surely drift away. Only when the Word is anchored in their hearts will God’s people develop the capacity to receive His blessings. Along this line, Proverbs 4:20-24 tells each of us what we must do. The Apostle Paul tells us that the Word should steer each of us as we navigate our course through life: 2 Timothy 3:16.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Lesson In Praise: Where, Why, How and Who Should Praise

Psalm 150 is not only a beautiful expression of praise, it's also a lesson in praising the Lord.  It tells us where to praise, why we're to praise, how we're to praise, and who should offer praise.   

Where do we praise?  In God's "sanctuary" and mighty firmament" (v.1).  Where we are in the world is a proper place to praise the One who created all things. 

Why do we praise?  First because of what Goes does.  He performs "mighty acts."  Second, because of who God is.  The psalmist praised Him for "His excellent greatness".  The all powerful Creator of the universe.

How should we praise?  Loudly.  Softly.  Soothingly, Enthusiastically.  Rhythmically.  Boldly.  Unexpectedly.  Fearlessly.  In other words, we can praise God in many ways and on many occasions.   

Who should praise ? Everything that has breath" (v.6.)  Young and old.  Rich and poor.  Weak and strong.  Every living creature.  God's will is for everyone to whom He gave the breath of life to use that breath to acknowledge His power and greatness.  Praise is our enthusiastic expression of gratitude to God for reigning in glory forever.  Praise is the overflow of a joyful heart.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Let Us Get Into The Garden Of Our Lives&Start Doing Some Significant Weeding

The spiritual nature that has been given to us because of the sacrifice of Jesus produces in us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.  We have to ask ourselves; Is that what my life look like, is my life full of these things?  These are the characteristics we want, the fruit of the spirit in our lives. If we don not have these things in our lives, if we get retrospective and get serious we can trace down the origin of all kinds of things that are stealing that, we can trace down the origin of all kinds of posture of heart and all kinds of action of mind, body and will that destroy the fruits of the spirit in our lives. We plant things that are going to yield crops opposite to the fruits of the spirit and we are going to harvest whatever we plant.  That's just how it works, what you plant is what you reap, that's how it works across the board, plant corn, raise corn, plant potatoes get potatoes, you don't plant carrots and get cabbage, ever, like that has never happened, we don't have any historical records throughout history where the farmer who plants carrots and somehow got cabbage; so what you plant you're going to harvest.  What you are harvesting now in your life, we are always planting, everyday we are planting.  So if what we really want and what we are made for is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control, we have to plant those things, we have to do these things in the face of whatever else we have planted and are harvesting.  It forces us to take a look at our lives, the direction that we are headed in and also the circumstances that surround our lives right now, the things that box us in and very quickly we realize that I don't need all of this in my life.  I literally do not need all of this obligation and activities, all of this responsibility and all of these circumstances that I have overtime built up around my self. So may we carve out some time in our over busy over obligated life to take some stock prayerfully and intimately with God to inquire about where it is that you would like to end up.  Invite the Holy Spirit to speak to the things that are inhibited and deeply exercise the ways that we've following a corrupt nature, a corrupt path that won't lead anywhere. Let us get into the garden of our lives and start doing some significant weeding and ending some seasons so that new seasons can begin.  Stop being afraid, we are free, free, free, freedom is ours and we have a heavenly Father, the God of all, the sovereign God of all who is present to walk with us in the way that we should go.  It's time to make some changes, may we invite God to lead us into all truth and freedom.  Help us God, we need you so desperately now.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today It Has Been Harder Than Ever To Discern Truth

Today, it has become harder than ever to discern truth.  The Internet has unleashed a world filled with blogs and chat rooms, where highly biased opinions are spread as fact.  While many journalists remain committed to high standards, some writers and reporters intermingle their personal views with their news reports.  As a result, millions of people form their opinions based on biased, subjective reporting, coupled with gossip and unfounded rumors.  In this environment, we need to remember that God wants us to place our trust in Him as the only infallible source of truth.  Jesus is "the truth" (John 14:6), and the Holy Spirit is "the Spirit of Truth." who "will guide you into all the truth" (John 16:13). Ask yourself what sources you are using to form your opinions.  Beware of biasing your life on rumors, gossip, or the things you hear in the secular media.  Make a commitment to base your life on the timeless Word of God. When we refuse to view, listen to, and read Scripturally unacceptable material, we are in effect saying: “Go away, Satan!” Father, open our eyes and ears and speak to us.  Help us to recognize deception and not base our life on worldly opinions.

Most People Today Are Willing To Adopt Any Teachings or Beliefs

In results recently released by CBS, most Americans acknowledge that religion is important to them.  But most people are willing to adopt any teachings or beliefs that satisfy their personal interests.  Today, the influences from Eastern religions, New Age philosophies, and other non Christian beliefs have become pervasive in our society.  These worldviews are encouraged by famous personalities and incorporated into many movies and books, often in very subtle ways.  As a result, millions are being "corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."  as Paul warned the church of Corinth.  You, too, need to be on guard against the pull of these influences.  Jesus said "I am the way and the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6).  There is no other Gospel.  There is only one true and living God.  We must commit our life to Him without reservation, and don't allow anything to draw you away from the simplicity of your faith in Christ

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Lion of Judah. Ever Wonder Why A Lion Can Be So Relaxed?

The Lion of Judah: Read these two chapters & verses. Isaiah 31:4-5, Revelation 5:5. Because God is in control, we have nothing to fear. The lion serene appearance is deceiving, however.  The reason they can be so relaxed is that they have nothing to fear-no shortage of food and no natural predators.  The lion look lazy and listless, but they are the strongest and fiercest of all.  One roar sends all other animals running for their lives. Sometimes it seems as if God is lounging.  When we don't see Him at work, we conclude that He's not doing anything.  We hear people mock God and deny His existence, and we anxiously wonder why He doesn't defend himself.  But God "will not be afraid of their voice nor disturbed by their noise". (Isaiah 31:4).  He has nothing to fear.  One roar from Him, and His detractors will scatter like rodents.  If you wonder why God isn't anxious when you are, it's because He has everything under control.  He knows that Jesus, the Lion of Judah, will triumph. Anything under God control is never out of control.

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Power of Prayer Lies Not In How Much We Pray.

The power of prayer lies not in how much we pray, but in how much our prayers line up with the beliefs of prayer found in God's Word. Sometimes we need to get out of the safe zone and step in the faith zone with God. Some of us simply need to make our mind up that we are going to follow God's will and not our own.  If you want to know God, you got to get involved with God. Having faith in God is the opposite of trusting in ourselves.  Do not think you can hear and comply with the Word of God on your own terms. You must humble yourself first!   When we start acting the way, God wants us to act, we get JOY in our life! There is no substitute - for reading God's Word and getting to know His voice.  God has already given you the faith to take you through any trial. Use it!  When No One can Help or Assist you, don't let the Lord be your Last Option. Allow Him be your first Option. The Lord is not going to Change You, until you have a Willing Heart to be Change. Otherwise, He will let you Keep Doing, What you are doing; but when you are willing, even when at times you are unstable, in Christ you can find yourself. He settles you with a peace no words can describe.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Problem Today Is That Most People Are Not Asking For Directions

The problem today is most are not asking for directions. The way to God is the freeway, not a tollway; you don't have to pay to follow God. Whichever way God turns your feet,  you should go. You cannot fully enjoy your life, if you don't trust God.  If you will trust Him, God will design your life for you! When you trust God to fulfill the promises He's given you, all the forces of darkness cannot stop God from bringing your dreams to pass. When we face adversity, let us seek Your will and trust Your Word. It's time to take the limits off God and stop talking ourselves out of our blessings. Go where He leads you.  Learn how to agree with God.  He will never leave or forsake you. God's promises are forever. When everybody and everything else is gone, God will still be here. He has a way for us to live. And it leads to good things!  God can take a bad experience in your life and make you better for having gone through it.  Some things you can only learn in the struggle. Trust God. He knows what he is doing! When we pray, we must believe that God, who is all-powerful, hears and acts on our behalf. Let's take time to thank God now for riches He is about to give us. When God tells you to give something away to someone, give it!  And give it with no strings attached. Our God is a God of more! Not just a God of enough. The highest calling in our life is to learn how to enjoy God. If you don't know where God is in your life, find Him!  It's a crazy world out there!  Christ did not die that our sins might be covered. He died that our sins might be removed! 

God Is Looking For Risk Takers, Do Something Ridiculously, Drastically Crazy. Take a Risk, Trust God

If God is your God, don’t you have everything? Who can measure the full capacity of our wishes? But the immeasurable wealth of God exceeds it. Are you not complete when God is yours? Live up to your privileges and rejoice with unspeakable joy. Be a risk taker.

God wants risk takers. Are you willing to rock the boat, are you another Peter, are you willing to step outside of the boat and take a risk? The problem is that too many Christians want to stay inside the boat but God wants bold leaders who are willing to do something ridiculously absolutely crazy, in today’s society someone would say that what Peter did was ridiculously crazy, stepping out on the water, but Peter knew the One who calmed the sea, the One who was walking on the waves of the water, Peter kept his eye on the One who could do the impossible just when man thought it was not possible, Peter took a risk.

My husband said something to me that was ridiculously funny.  He said “I wonder when God think about you J.P. does He scratch His head. I couldn’t stop laughing, I thought why would God scratch His head, he said because you have all of these ridiculously ideas, on the edge. He said you just jump out there not knowing where you are going to land. I think God would say I have many plans for her in walking this journey with Me. I said God loves my boldness, I have ideas but I focus on the visions that I have and I make them happen, what happen to most ideas, is that they don’t go anywhere, they are just great ideas that doesn’t make an investor a penny. Nothing is wrong with ideas. If you have a grand idea, you have to be ready and willing to take big risks to further progress, you have to focus and put it into execution. I read a Japanese Proverb that said Vision without action is a daydream, Action without vision is a nightmare.
I believe in putting the vision into action and then take a leap of faith, that ridiculously risk taking faith, believing God will make those provisions, without seeing the end of the tunnel. Now when we have vision in God it places us in immediate contact with God in our everyday experience of the world and in some of our most private thoughts and musings, Vision in God say that we utterly depend on God in every way. Whatever God has called you out to do, He will equip you with all that you need. You may not see it right away but trust God, He will supply when you apply. God may send you to a foreign land to help the poor, He may tell you to open a market where the local people can buy food, open a fuel station where people can purchase fuel, plant a church in another state. You have to be willing to take a risk and Trust God. I have seen doctors walk away from their practice to work for no charge in another land to help people and God provided. They took a risk of Faith. God provided them with donations, contributions, grants through philanthropists, ministries and businesses.

You see you have to demonstrate this kind of ridiculously risk taking faith. Taking a risk is doing things like, leaving a job you have been on for 20 years and then all of a sudden you walk away from it because God said I want you leave and start a church ministry. Now you have no idea where you are going to get members or a building, but what if you take it a step further and God send you a message or prophetic word and say sell everything and move to China, that’s where I want you to start the ministry. Now to some people this is ridiculously absolutely crazy, that’s stepping out on the unseen, clueless to where this is going, but you are taking a risk, because God said do it. Sometime God will move you out of a church ministry and place you somewhere else, people will not understand, you've been there for years, you've been active but God want you to take a risk and trust Him to place you somewhere else. What about when God say put that $1000 in the offering basket to help another ministry.  Now this is your mortgage payment, you have no clue where you are going to get money to replace this investment but you were obedient to the call and you took a step of faith through your obedience. You are taking a risk, a bold stand, this is what God want us to do, maybe not in the same scenario, which were used as demonstrations to show you how dramatically, ridiculous or crazy this may sound, but God want risk takers, where you placed that $1000 which was your mortgage payment, God sends you a payment that pays off your mortgage, something you're not even expecting. 
He want visionaries and not just an idealist. He want those of you are willing to rock the boat, I think He want those of you who will not only rock the boat but just outright turn the boat over and learn to believe God will not allow you to drown, but He will help you swim even when you don’t know how to swim, every time you take a stroke, He take another stroke for you, He is saying take a risk, keep going, I’m there, I know you don’t see the shore, but keep going, on the other side is going to be a huge ship, don’t worry about the little boat, I got you out of the little boat to put you on the big ship. God is larger than the boat. He has a ship waiting for you, but you have to get out of the boat, keep your eyes on Him, take the risk today. 
Invest in that property when you don't have an idea where you are going to get those other thousands that is required to seal the deal. Do something drastically ridiculous in the name of our Lord, give that donation to build a village or to help a ministry, start planning for that business when you don't have a clue where the down payment is going to come. Take a Risk today and Watch God!

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Power of Satan Is No Match for the Power of God

Safety is not found in the absence of danger, but in the presence of God.  
When we face impossibilities it gives us the opportunity to trust God. When 
we keep our eyes on Christ, everything will come into focus.  It should not be 
surprising that when trouble interrupts our lives, the father of lies whispers in 
our ears and suddenly we are questioning God's goodness. When  Jesus tells
us things like this, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth" Matt. 6:19.  
Satan tells us that the good life is about piling up things here, causing us to doubt 
God's good intentions. Our problem is that we, like Adam and Eve, believe Satan's
lies.  And when we do, our loyalty to God is compromised.  Then our enemy slithers 
off to his next assignment, leaving us alone to face our regrets and the realization 
that his lies have seduced us away from our truest and dearest Friend. Read the 
Bible to be wise, believe it to be safe,practice it to be holy. I cannot say this enough, 
if you do not know the Word of God, you will easily believe the lies of the devil. Satan
is the father of deceit. The power of Satan is no match for the power of God's Word.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Why Does God Allow Us To Go Through Trials &Tribulations

Trials develop godly character, and that enables us to "rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; character and hope. Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us” (Romans 5:3-5). Jesus Christ set the perfect example. "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5-8). These verses reveal aspects of His divine purpose for both Jesus Christ's trials and tribulations and ours. Persevering proves our faith. "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me" ((Philippians 4:13).

However, we must be careful never to make excuses for our "trials and tribulations" if they are a result of our own wrongdoing. "By no means let any of you suffer as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler" (1 Peter 4:15). God will forgive our sins because the eternal punishment for them has been paid by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. However, we still have to suffer the natural consequences in this life for our sins and bad choices. But God uses even those sufferings to mold and shape us for His purposes and our ultimate good.
Trials and tribulations come with both a purpose and a reward. "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. . . . Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him" (James 1:2-4-12).

Through all of life’s trials and tribulations, we have the victory. "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ." Although we are in a spiritual battle, Satan has no authority over the believer in Christ. God has given us His Word to guide us, His Holy Spirit to enable us, and the privilege of coming to Him anywhere, at any time, to pray about anything. He has also assured us that no trial will test us beyond our ability to bear it, and “he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it”. (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Monday, June 30, 2014


If You've Got A Mountain, God Got A Word. Through Christ, ask for God's help with faith and fervor. He will move mountains you didn't even know were there and then He will move mountains that we try to hold on to!. Learn how to speak to your mountain, whether it's family, finance, depression/loneliness, addiction, health, relationship, unemployment; as the list goes on you just continue to speak God's Word. Don’t try and build a road around a mountain that God has called you to move!  God wants you to activate your faith. Faith is not just a word, its action. Faith makes you move, it turns God's ear to you and pours His love on you!  Don't look back unless you're looking for encouragement to press forward!  When you find yourself too deep in a situation stop and pray!  When your prayers have been answered, don't stop praying but keep praying in giving thanks!   Mountains can be very difficult to move without God's help. His Word is Trust Me; for with God nothing is impossible, not even that mountain that you thought was the biggest challenge in your life; nothing is to hard for God, 
Genesis 18:14

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rather than flow in God's favor we chase opportunities.

Rather than flow in God's favor we chase opportunities. 

When we make the most of every opportunity we’ve been given...

God’s favor opens up doors of greater opportunities. We shouldn’t stress about finding opportunity or making something happen. When you make the most of every opportunity, God’s favor will make sure greater opportunity finds you.
...make the most of every opportunity. Colossians 4:5 NIV
This is the key to staying in a place where God’s Favor can flow in your life. Concentrate and do your best with where you are and what you have to work with today. At the end of the day faithfulness in preparation for where God want to take us is where our focus should be.  His Word never return void.  It comes forth from God, for a specific purpose and will NEVER fail to achieve what God desires. It will never go unfulfilled. When you’re concerned with chasing opportunity, you’ll try and determine which opportunities are important, and which are not.

It’s common for people to feel they have to chase opportunity. They begin with thoughts like “When am I going to get my big break? When is my talent going to get recognized?” In and of itself, those questions seem harmless. But the problem with that mindset is that it causes people to exhaust themselves chasing the favor of man rather than trusting God. It’s an easy trap to slip into. We can all be guilty of spending too much energy in pursuit of the favor of man rather than trusting that God’s favor will open up doors of greater opportunity in our life.

 There’s a difference between chasing opportunity and making the most of every opportunity.

But we often forget that God has a way of using the unseen, unnoticed places of life to promote people. Some of the most visible people in life started in the most invisible places. Jesus showed us that to lead is to serve. Leadership starts with a basin of water and a towel, a moment often overlooked. And the big moments in life have their roots in small opportunities.

  • If you’re a server at a restaurant, give people the greatest experience you can.
  • If you’re a gopher at work, running small and trivial errands, do it with the attitude of an executive.
  • When you’re out and about in daily life, have genuine conversations with other people.
Be silently hopeful that God will make a way for you to impact their lives through a kind word or act of love.
When you concentrate on making the most of every opportunity, God’s favor will be free to flow in your life and open doors of greater opportunity.

Monday, May 19, 2014

God Himself can also be the source of our problems.

It is very tempting to blame everything that goes wrong on the devil. God Himself can also be the source of our problems. Therefore, not all problems are bad problems. God can design problems that will make you come closer to Him and also make you more prayerful. Naaman was a proud person who didn’t get his healing until he dumped his pride and moved closer to God. The scripture does not say put God in remembrance of our problems but in remembrance of His promise. (Isaiah 62:6) Sometimes we use prayer to complain. We do not have to tell God our problems, as He already knows what we are going through. He knows every need, every concern. Do not turn a prayer into a pity party.

Praying for change:  If you want to see things change, if you want God to turn things around, find a promise you can stand on. Instead of complaining say, “God you said when the enemy comes in my way you will defeat them. You said you would supply all of my needs according to your riches. You said you are Jehovah and the Lord my provider. You said you would fight my battles, you said what is meant for my harm you will use and turn it for my advantage.” Put God in His remembrance of His promise to bring it to pass. 

When you pray the promises instead of the problems not only will it change your attitude from a victim to a victor, but also God’s Word coming out of your mouth is powerful. When God hears His Word coming out of you He dispatches angels with the answers, He sets miracles into motion and He will begin to change things.
It may not happen overnight but stay in faith and keep reminding God what He promised you day in and day out. Instead of complaining say, “God you said”. Instead of begging say, “God you said”. Instead of describing the circumstances say, “God you said”. If you get in a habit of praying God’s promises back to Him, you will see God at work in your life. His Word and all of His promises are yes.

                                            Getting to the Root of the Problem
The devil's primary strategy is to disguise his activities so that it appears that someone or something else is to blame. He wants us to get our attention on his surrogates, his instruments, his hindrances and "wrestle" with them, so that our battle will be directed against the "symptoms" instead of the "real source."

We all know that a decongestant will help relieve a stuffy nose, but it will not cure a cold. Likewise, you can fight with the symptoms of the Devil, but you will not end the problems until you deal with the source and bind the "strong man."

Remember when Peter resisted Jesus' decision to return to Jerusalem, knowing that He would be crucified there? Jesus did not rebuke Peter, but turned to Peter and rebuked Satan. "Get behind me Satan" (Matt. 16:23). Peter wasn't demon possessed, and probably didn't intend to be an offense. However, the Devil inspired Peter's statement, and Jesus went after the real source.

When things go wrong, people complain bitterly and say that it is the devil that pushed them to do it. The question is why did such people supply their backs for Satan to ride on? God does not at any point in time expect you you supply your back to the devil. He does not expect you to turn your back to the enemy and run. He expects you to wage war against him. 
We are well aware of the evil characteristics of Satan, that he "kills, steals, and destroys" (John 10:10). But beyond his routine harassment's, temptations or hit-and-run attacks, the Devil's forces seek territory to establish long-term strongholds in which they may dominate and hold captive. Satanic forces search for people, cities, and nations in which they are not resisted and where they may flourish.
Paul said that our battle is not with "flesh and blood" but with spiritual adversaries (Eph. 6:12). How important it is that we understand what the real root of the problem is -- "who" our real enemy is. It is Satan, not flesh and blood, not our brethren, not our family, not our children, not husbands and wives, not employers, nor our government! The Devil is the enemy!

                                               Binding the Strong Man
One time, after Jesus had cast out a devil and healed a deaf and mute boy, Jesus explained that in order to overturn the works and activity of the Devil, we must bind him first. "Or else how can one enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house" (Matt. 12:29). In order to neutralize the Devil's works, we must go and deal directly with the source and bind up the devil so that his hands are tied. Then we'll be able to take back what he's stolen and bring a halt to his actions.

                                        All Believers have Authority over the Devil 
All Christians must be aware that God has equipped them to overcome Satan's power. The Apostle Paul said that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (of a fleshly or earthly nature), but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds" (2 Cor. 10:4).
You may recall the time when the seventy disciples returned to the Lord rejoicing about the results of their ministry. They remarked, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name" (Luke 10:17). But then Jesus pointed out that the great marvel of this was that the devils were subject to them because their names were "written in heaven." In other words, because they were saved -- because of their relationship with Christ, they had authority over the Devil in the name of Jesus. Jesus has given all His followers -- all those who know Jesus personally as their Lord and Savior -- the authority to use His name to expel the forces of evil. To all believers, Jesus said, "In My name they will cast out demons..." (Mark 16:17).

How to Break Strongholds and keep them Broken!
  1. AUTHORITY -- Every believer has the right to use the authority of Jesus' name to bind and take authority over Satan's activities. "No one can enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house" (Mark 3:27). Issue a spoken command to the devil that he is bound and he must leave the stronghold! Exercising authority in the name of Jesus will expel the Devil's influence. "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues..." (Mark 16:17).

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Where and How Does Sin Show Up In Our Lives?

A sin is any thought or action that falls short of God's will. God is perfect, and anything we do that falls short of His perfection is sin.  Anywhere we allow our desires to interfere in our relationship with The Lord.  Can we see it in our choices, our relationships, our communities?  Does sin have any lingering effects on us, our families or our world?  Sin has traumatic affects on the world.  Our choices and actions, as small or trivial as WE might think they are can have dynamic repercussions or adversely wonderful almost miraculous influences on others and the world.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Even when we aren't aware of it, we commit sin by the things we do (or fail to do), or by the way we think. This is why we need Christ, for only He can forgive us all our sins, and only He can help us live the way we should. We can't forgive ourselves, nor can we change our hearts and make ourselves better in God's eyes. But when we know Christ, He takes away our sins and comes to live within us by His Spirit. Does He live today in your heart? Sin contaminated the world...everything in the world is tainted by the fall of mankind but the good news is that Jesus overcame the world!  His blood and grace are far greater than sin. Sin shows up everywhere in our world...

abortions = murder (that's sin) [Exodus 20:13]
premarital sex = fornication (that's sin) [Colossians 3:5]
immodesty = guys lusting after women (immodesty is a sin; lust is a sin) [1 Timothy 2:9]
idolatry = worshiping earthly treasures more than God (that's a sin) [Exodus 20:5]

These sins can have very serious consequences and lingering effects on us and on our relationships with family, friends, enemies, etc.

Why Do We Pray? Is It To have Our Needs Met?

Sometimes when we pray we concentrate on the gifts in God's hand and ignore the hand of God himself. We pray fervently for the new job, or for the return of health. When we gain the prize, we are delighted. And then we have little more to do with God. God's hand only serve as a way to pay the rent, heal the sickness, or get through the crisis.  After the need has been met, the hand itself means little to us.  Those who are merely satisfied with the trinkets in the Father's hand miss the best reward of prayer- the reward of communicating and communing with the God of the universe. God has made Himself known through His Son Jesus Christ. He desires communion with us. His purpose in prayer is not to make us sit up and beg.  Is this why we pray? He wants us to know Him.  Prayer is His method to accomplish that. Communication with God is as essential to your spiritual well-being as breathing is to your physical life.  Communion with God is the one need of the soul beyond all other need.