Saturday, January 14, 2017

It’s Not About The Condition It’s About The Command! Peter Walked On More Than Just Water; He Walked On The Word! So, What Has God Told You To Do?

“He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus.” (Matthew 14:29 AMP)

The disciples were out fishing one night when a huge storm struck. About 3:00 am they were terrified by a figure approaching them on the water. “At once Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take hope. It is I. Do not be afraid!” Peter said to Jesus, “If it is You, Lord, tell me to come to You on the water.” Jesus said, “Come!” Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus.” (Matthew 14:27-29 NLV). This story teaches us:

1. IF THE LORD DOESN’T CALL YOU TO DO IT, DON’T! In other words, stop yearning for years for people to confirm and validate you and what God has called you to do! Jesus can confirm and validate you all by Himself, and He can do it immediately and even with one Word..."Come"! To walk on water you must learn to discern between God’s voice and your own impulses. So, before you take on something like water-walking, pray and be sure God’s in it! Once you know it’s Him, and from Him, start walking!

2. TO EXPERIENCE MIRACLES, YOU MUST GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! Exchange places with Peter. The storm is raging and he’s afraid. The boat’s secure and comfortable – wouldn’t you want to stay there? But you can’t! God designed you to do more than simply avoid failure; He’s calling you to step out in faith and accomplish things. You say, “But what’s considered my boat?” Well, it’s anything you put your faith in when life gets stormy, like a job or a relationship. Your boat is anything that stops you from getting out of your comfort zone. When Peter was certain it was Jesus who was calling him, he left the security of the boat and entrusted himself to the power of God. So far, so good. “BUT when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!” (Matthew 14:30 MSG). Therefore, remember this:

YOU MUST FOCUS ON THE LORD, NOT THE STORM! We all know what it’s like to “…see the waves…” It's that moment when you begin a new venture – a job, a relationship, an area of spiritual growth – full of hope. Then you encounter storms and setbacks. Even Jesus said, “…Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows…” (John 16:33 NLT). In other words, expect it; it’s part of the journey of faith!

YOU MUST FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT REGARDLESS! Growth requires taking on new challenges. Each time you do you’ll experience fear because growth and fear go together. But each time you risk leaving the boat it means you’re more likely to do it again. And each time you step out on the water without drowning, you realize that fear no longer has power over you. On the other hand, each time you resist God’s voice and choose to stay in the boat His voice becomes a little quieter until eventually you don’t hear it at all. 

Now, with that as a thought, don't you think it would be worth any risk to avoid that? Therefore, the answer to fear then is to get out of the boat a little more each day, until fear loses its hold on you. Peter discovered what we all discover in our walk with God; just because you sink doesn’t mean you’re sunk! Here are two reasons why:

1. FAILING DOESN’T MAKE YOU A FAILURE, QUITTING DOES! Failure is just a part of learning.  Winston Churchill said, “I’ve never failed at anything in my life. I was simply given another opportunity to get it right.” Now that’s what you call a winning attitude and spirit!

2. THE REAL FAILURES WERE THE ONES WHO STAYED IN THE BOAT! They failed quietly and privately; their failure went unnoticed and un-criticized. Although Peter crashed and burned publicly, he experienced the euphoria of walking on the water! He alone knew how it felt to be empowered by God to do what he could never have done by himself. And once you’ve walked on water you are simply never the same. Peter would take this moment to his grave! In addition, he also experienced the joy of being lifted by Jesus in a moment of despair. You see, Peter knew, in a way the others couldn’t, that if he sank Jesus would be there to save him. He had the experience and the testimony of proof! He shared a moment, a connection, a trust the others didn’t. How could they, when they never left the boat?! Listen: failure doesn’t come from sinking – it comes from letting your fears stop you from even attempting to try! And the truth is, you can’t expect everybody in the boat to go with you anyway! Which is why you should take note: Water-walking is a lonely calling; because it sets you apart from those who are timid and security-minded! 

In addition, if you wait for good weather, you’ll miss your moment! When Jesus said, “Come,” they were in the middle of a storm!  It’s Not About The Condition It’s About The Command! Peter Walked On More Than Just Water In The First Place; He Walked On The Word! So, What Has God Told You To Do? Then stop waiting for ideal conditions and start doing it! Walk on the Word He’s Given.

I'm so encouraged to know that the Bible describes its heroes in one sentence: …Although they were weak, they were given…strength and power…” (Hebrews 11:34CEV). Believe it or not, all the great men and women of God you admire, go through sinking spells when they cry out, “Lord, save me. And do you know what? He does! And He’ll do the same for you! Therefore, God is not looking for you to be perfect, He’s simply looking for you to perform! So get to it! After all, even baby steps are progress!

Following the voice of God for your life doesn’t mean you won’t experience sinking in some places you’d rather not be. After all, Jesus' spirit was grieved (sank) as He hung on the cross, Paul's sinking experience happened when he received a shipwreck, Joseph's sinking experience came as he endured the pit and prison. Truth is, following the voice of God is not always easy, but it is always worth it. So, if you are determined to arrive anywhere worthwhile and do anything worthy of accomplishment, you will follow the voice of God and Walk On Water!

But now God is shaking everything up by asking you step out in faith, allowing you to face waves that are over your head. However, be encouraged, because the Scripture still holds true on the promise of God:  That’s why you can trust Him on the waters, because He loves you too much to allow the waters, even when you’re in something over your head, to drown you! He challenges you to leave your comfort zone, to take risks and challenge yourself for a reason: to increase your dependence on Him. Proverbs 3:4-6, “If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” (TLB).

Maybe there was a time in your past when you risked sharing your faith, even though it meant facing rejection; or giving, even though it involved personal sacrifice; or serving, even though you felt totally inadequate. Truth is, sometimes you sank, sometimes you walked, but you lived on the edge by faith. Now look at you – in your comfortable boat, you don’t even get seasick anymore! In fact, now you don’t even feel the storm when it comes.  Know this, any time you leave the security of the boat two things will happen:

1. When You Fail, And You Will, You Won’t Be Alone. Jesus Will Be No More Than an Arm’s Length From You (“…INSTANTLY Jesus reached out His hand and rescued him…” (Matthew 14:31 TLB); and

2. Every Now and Then When You Do Walk on Water, It’ll Strengthen You and Enable You to Do Even Greater Things! “Then PETER preached a long sermon, telling about Jesus and strongly urging all his listeners to save themselves from the evils of their nation. And those who believed PETER were baptized – about THREE THOUSAND IN ALL…” (Acts 2:40-41 TLB) Not bad Peter, not bad at all! From Sinking to Success! And YOU can have the very same testimony of Recovery and Victory! Just follow the voice of God!

“Challenge yourself every day to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances.” (Robert Tew)


J.P. Olson

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