Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Now You May Be Facing a Challenge Right Now That Looks a Lot Bigger Than Your Resources To Meet It.

One of my favorite Scriptures is Philippians 4:13, you may have heard it. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Another version states it like this: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" The key is, “Through Christ who gives me strength”. Now, Paul has just been talking about the extremes of our life's circumstances. He talks about being in need and having plenty. He says "I can do it", either one, whatever season through Christ. He talks about being well fed or hungry. "I can do it," he says, through Christ. He talks about being in plenty or in want. "I can do it," he says, through Christ.

Now you may be facing a challenge right now that looks a lot bigger than your resources to meet it. Well, think about how this affirmation changes that equation: "I CAN do everything through Him who gives me strength."

A lot of people live with this negative voice that has been planted there by others their entire life. Maybe you can hear it inside of you. I call it the "can't chant," even though the story of the little engine taught us to say, "I think I can, I think I can." We have this voice that keeps whispering, "I think I can't, I think I can't." And maybe you struggle with feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, and it's held you down. It's held you back many times. But today, I send you this little reminder that you will be held back no more. Today is the day that you release yourself from the “I can’t mentality.” Because the Bible, that cannot, will not, and shall not lie, has declared that YOU CAN do all things through Christ!

I remember seeing this refrigerator magnet. It was a picture of a dog and the dog was saying, "My name is ‘No, No, Bad Dog’. What's yours?" As comical as it sounds, a lot of us have had that kind of negative input in our lives and we think that's who we are! We believe we can’t get the job, we can’t graduate from school, we can't learn a new trade, we can’t own the house, we can’t start the business, we can’t travel the world, we can’t have a successful marriage, and we can’t have good health and great credit! 

Many of us have allowed others to label us with the “I can’t” motto for life, and worse than that, even more of us have labeled the “I can’t” motto to ourselves! But today, we’re getting rid of that negative, untruthful label! Why? Because, it's torn down our confidence and diminished our sense of worth. Consequently, we miss a lot of mighty things God wants to do in us and through us because we think we can't.

As a mentor, leader, counselor, preacher, you would be amazed at the amount of people I talk with from day-to-day who immediately start off every sentence with “but I can’t”. One swore she couldn’t sing, and she’s been traveling the world singing now for 5 years! One who said I can write devotionals, but I’ll never be able to write a book…needless to say, he’s on his 5th novel! Another said he can’t ever see himself getting married because of the horrible marital examples he watched in his family line growing up…needless to say, he and his wife will be celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary this year in Brazil! Amazing how many “I can’t” turned into “oh, yes I can!” And so CAN YOURS!

There is absolutely nothing that God has called you to do, that you can't do! God Himself strengthens and empowers you to fulfill His purpose for your life. And that's exactly what you need to remind yourself of the next time anxiety, nervousness, unbelief, doubt, wavering faith, second-guessing, and fear rear their ugly head.

And learn to actively and diligently distance yourself from naysayers! You know those who say, "you can't do that; how are you going to do that; you're not qualified to do that; you don't have the credentials to do that; you don't have the degrees to do that; you don't have the connections to do that; you don't have the experience to do that; you don't have the skill to do that; you don't have the money to do that; you don't come from the right background to do that." Or even worse, "what makes you think you can do that, no one in your family has ever done that!"

Now, get the license, get the passport, book the ticket, teach the lesson, preach the sermon, build the website, write the book, record the song, apply for the job, the loan, the mortgage...stop procrastinating, hesitating, daydreaming, hoping one day...when 

Today is the day...so do it...With and Through God!
No more complacency, get out of that comfort-zone and conquer! Yes, YOU Can!

J.P. Olson

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