Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Never Lose Your Appetite for God. Continue to Hunger and Thirst After Him

Never Lose Your Appetite for God. Continue to Hunger and Thirst After Him.
You have to leave Circumstantial Faith, and Finally Attain Concrete Faith!  Satan’s attacks can actually develop you. Yes, it stresses you, but it also stretches you spiritually. In Hebrews Chapter 11 we see two things:
1.      The Deeds of Their Faith; and
2.      The Depth of Their Faith.

Which is why it always amazes me how God’s saints of old could worship Him in the midst of absolutely anything, yet we can’t seem to worship Him in the midst of anything. They pursued God on just promises, and even the ones that weren’t fulfilled in their lifetime, never caused them to lose their appetite for God. They continued to hunger and thirst after Him. Maybe that’s why they were so Full and we’re so Deflated. The depth of their faith propelled them to continue in their deeds for Him, despite what was being done to and against them. They maintained such a Faith Under Fire. They mastered how to Press In and Press On.  I know struggles and attacks can make it hard sometimes to press in, but you’ve got to press in anyhow! 

No matter how bad it may become, remember your God is always good and will always bring about good on your behalf:  
Remember This: Fiery Trials Work For You, Not Against You! Think about it: Where did God prove His faithfulness to Daniel? In the Lion’s Den. Likewise, think about this: Where did the Lord reveal Himself to the three Hebrew boys? In a fire that was heated seven times over! “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered King Nebuchadnezzar, “Your threat means nothing to us. If you throw us in the fire, the God we serve can rescue us from your roaring furnace and anything else you might cook up, O king. Sometimes God will bring you through the fire and sometimes God will make you Fireproof.

John bowed, Jonah worshiped, Daniel trusted, the three Hebrew Boys maintained their resolve, But I Reiterate, HE IS STILL THE SAME GOD…YOUR GOD! So whether He takes you out, or leaves you in, you ought to serve Him with gladness anyhow, because He’s already promised to never leave you or forsake you,
In a Nutshell: You have to leave Circumstantial Faith, and Finally Attain Concrete Faith!

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